Page 47 of Dangerous Notes (Dark Pen)
“Yes, but we’re tempting fate. It’s just a matter of time until we get caught or end up dead. We both know that too.”
I shrug. “I know many elderly assholes who have been doing this their entire lives without being caught, and their old bodies are still around. I don’t think it’s a given that we’ll end up in jail or dead.”
“I’m the only one in my family that hasn’t ever served time,” she confesses.
“I haven’t either. No reason for us to start. And you are way smarter than your brothers.” I chuckle. “No offense, but you clearly got all the brains in that family tree.”
She joins my laugh. “No offense taken. It’s true. But I love the boneheads. I didn’t have the best childhood, but it made me the way I am. Strong. Resourceful. Not a woman to be messed with.”
I continue to laugh as I squeeze her hand in mine. “I’ve learned that the hard way.” I point ahead. “The restaurant is right up there. It’s my favorite in London, and I know the owner. He used to be a famous conductor for symphonies all over the world. Then he decided to retire out of the blue and follow a passion of his. Lucky for all of us, he did. I promise you that you’ll have the best meal of your life tonight.”
For the first time since holding my hand, she squeezes it and says, “Thank you for this, Atlas. I know you didn’t necessarily want to go out at first. And I know Z is right in the fact this isn’t exactly the safest thing to do, but I really needed it. And it’s been amazing so far. So, thank you.”
I open the restaurant door for her and splay my hand against her lower back as I guide her inside. The simple act is one a boyfriend would be doing for a girlfriend. Or one a husband would for a wife. It’s simple. It’s affectionate. And it’s also intimate.
“Atlas! I can’t believe my eyes,” Jeremy Masters says as the owner of Maestro’s approaches. “When Z called and told me you’d be arriving, I couldn’t believe my ears. I figured you for dead or something.”
“I’m a vampire, remember? Immortality is my gift,” I tease. I then pull Valentina to my side. “This is my friend, Valentina Key. I told her to expect the best meal of her life.”
He reaches his hand out in greeting to Valentina and says, “I hope to not let you down.”
“I’m sure it will be amazing,” she says as she shakes his hand.
“I have your favorite table in the back saved for you,” Jeremy tells me. “And I’ve taken the liberty to already order all your favorites to be brought to the table for you.” He reaches out and pats my upper arm. “It’s good to see you again. Try not to be such a stranger.”
I look at Valentina and then at my friend. “I may be sticking around in London for a bit.”
“That’s good to hear,” Jeremy says as he leads us to the table, which is in the far back of the restaurant, out of the view of others. It’s secluded. It’s safe. It’s perfect.
Chapter Twenty
I’m glad Atlas’s friend has given us a table in the back of the restaurant. As much as I would have enjoyed people watching out the huge front window of the restaurant during dinner, it’s safer back here. It doesn’t go over my head that Atlas takes the seat at the table that will look out into the largest part of the restaurant, leaving me to take the chair with my back to the room.
I know he thinks I didn’t notice Z passing him the handgun in the lobby of The Whitehall before we left. Rowan had done a good job trying to keep me busy talking about what clothes or toiletries I might need, but I’d been able to keep my eye on him long enough to catch the exchange.
I set the rose Atlas bought from the street vendor on my charger plate so I can take the proffered menu the waiter was holding out for me.
“So, what’s good here?” I ask.
Atlas pulls the menu from my hands, handing it back to the waiter and telling us both, “Jeremy already placed our order before we arrived. Please check with Chef,” he added, sending the waiter away.
“Kinda presumptuous of you and your friend to order for me, too.” I do my best to keep my annoyance out of my voice since I don’t want to ruin our first night out in the city.
“After sharing every meal with you for the last three days, do you really think I won’t be able to find things to make you happy?”
“Hey, just because Rowan sent up meals we both like doesn’t mean you know me that well,” I point out.