Page 45 of Dangerous Notes (Dark Pen)
“I don’t know what to say,” I finally get out.
“You don’t need to say anything.”
“But…no one has ever…” my voice finally cracks, and I cut off my words to avoid crying.
“What? Taken care of you? Maybe it’s time someone takes care of you for a change.”
It’s hard to explain. We’ve had hot, primal sex more times than I can count, but when Atlas leans down to take my lips in a soft kiss, it feels more intimate, more personal than any of the depraved things he’s done to my body before.
I close my eyes, lean into his embrace, and allow myself to feel the full weight of his protection. I let myself shed the fear of falling behind—of losing everything—even if it’s just for today. I can go back to worrying again tomorrow. Taking a vacation from the stress was so tempting, even if it didn’t last.
“You know, I think you’re right about one thing. We have been cooped up in this room for long enough. I talked to Dex earlier and he hasn’t found any evidence that whoever took out the hit on me has extended the order to follow me to Europe. And he also let me know Jar Omar hired someone else for the casino job so with any luck, that whole debacle will blow over soon.
“I’ll call Z and arrange for us to leave the hotel for dinner tonight. I know this great restaurant not far from here. We can walk the few blocks there, maybe do a little window shopping, and then eat a good meal.”
“That sounds like heaven,” I say truthfully.
“No…heaven is going to come when I get you back here to our room and fuck your brains out until we both fall asleep from exhaustion.”
Chapter Nineteen
“Please tell me you aren’t going to be stubborn like your father,” Z says as he approaches us shaking his head. “I’m going to tell you the same thing I told him when he left. It’s not safe.”
“It’s safer,” I say, knowing not only Dex, but my father, Z, and I have all been working on making sure any assassin even thinking of attempting a hit, knows better than to attempt to follow through with it. We’re cashing in favors and making it clear an attempt on our lives will end in war with not just us, but other powerful players.
“Not fully contained yet. You know this.” He looks at Valentina. “And Omar is still pissed. Royally. He’s basically giving all of you the middle finger and not prepared to play nice in the sandbox. Threats of war aren’t scaring him yet. Dex is trying to be diplomatic, but I think Omar is past the negotiations of the boardroom. This isn’t wrapped up like you’re hoping it is.”
I notice Valentina’s shoulders visibly sag at the idea of us returning back to our room, once again having room service. It dawns on me right then and there that I don’t ever want to disappoint this woman. If that’s the definition of being pussy whipped, then so be it. She’ll look hot with a leather whip in her hand, anyway.
“We’re going out to dinner.” The firmness in my voice is intentional. “We can’t stay rats in a hole forever. Besides, Valentina hasn’t ever been to London, and I can at least take her to my favorite restaurant.” I pat Z’s shoulders reassuringly. “We won’t go far, and we won’t be gone long. I promise we’ll be home by curfew, Daddy.”
Z rolls his eyes and huffs. “Fine. Then let me come along to back you up if something happens.”
I smirk. “I don’t think Valentina and I are at the point in our relationship to have a three way yet.”
“Atlas!” Valentina hisses between closed teeth as her cheeks pinken.
I widen my eyes. “Am I wrong?” I tease with a shrug and look back at Z and smile. “Maybe I stand corrected.”
Valentina punches me in the arm. “Let’s go. Now.”
I chuckle, take her by the hand and tell Z, “We’re going to be fine. Don’t worry. Valentina has my back if need be.”
“Just so you know,” Z says as he crosses his arms against his chest. “If you end up dead tonight, I’m going to make sure the mortician buries your body wearing pink lace panties. So, unless you want to go down that way, I suggest you come back alive.”
I laugh knowing Z would most certainly make good on his word. “Deal. Survive the night or pink panties. Got it.”
“Can we please go?” Valentina asks, tugging my hand as she’s clearly lost all patience.
Without saying another word, I lead her out of the hotel lobby and say, “It’s a nice night tonight for a walk.”
“We’ve been cooped up so long I’d be willing to take a walk in a hurricane right now.”
I can hear Valentina’s breath inhale as the sounds of the city wash over us. She begins looking all around. Her head turns right, left, and even up as she takes in the architecture of the buildings around us. Her eyes are lit and alive with awe as we walk in silence for several moments, allowing her to simply take it all in. It’s a fun reminder of just how much I love London.