Page 5 of Caught By Daddy (To Go)
In sync with the instructor, I lay flat on my back with my knees perpendicular to the ground. The music is really pumping now, and I can’t hear anything except the song and the directions. As soon as the instructor barks THREE!, I kick my left leg high, straight into the empty air above me. At the same time, I lift my hips off the ground, bending my right leg at the knee. A burn begins to simmer in my backside and thighs, and I start kicking and shaking even more vigorously.
Hell yeah, I’m going to get a booty! is my gleeful thought.
But as I thrust upward once more for the next set, one of my boobs literally pops out of my bikini top. It’s creamy and full, bouncing around with a life of its own, the pink nipple peaked as it swings around. I guess that’s what you get when you have tits the size of cantaloupes, held in only by the tiniest bikini top.
“Oh shit,” I groan. I know I should fix my outfit, but at the same time, I’m doing well! I’m too caught up in the exercise to want to stop. No one’s watching, I reason, not too concerned with my current state of undress. I’ll fix it just as soon as this set is done.
“Thrust up, and up, and up! Hold that position!”
But then I look up and my heart stops because oh shit. There’s a man standing there, and he’s staring at my big boob like he’s never seen a woman’s tit before. I stare at him for a moment too before opening my mouth to screech, “Sam!” Oh shit, why is my stepdad in my room? And why is he staring at me like he wants to eat me for dinner?
I stare at my saucy stepdaughter, unable to draw my eyes away from how insanely hot, and yet totally ridiculous, she looks in this compromising position. The curvy brunette has one leg sticking straight up in the air and the other one arched forward, her lush womanhood on display for the entire world to see. Okay, maybe she’s wearing a bikini bottom of sorts, but that thing isn’t more than a string nestled in her pussy lips and as I watch, the pink flesh glistens and beckons to me.
Even crazier, there’s a full, creamy tit hanging out from whatever top she has on, and I blink rapidly, trying to process that I’m seeing the stuff of my dreams. Holy shit. She’s got the biggest breasts I’ve never seen on a young woman, and the white orb beckons to me with its lush fullness and utterly suckable pink nipple.
Harlow lets out an ear-splitting scream when she finally notices me.
“Sam!” she shrieks while scrambling to get up. “What the hell are you doing here?” As she gets vertical, what do you know but her other boob falls out of the skimpy little top until the cloth is basically some random straps around her neck and back. Her two tits swing around enticingly, and I haphazardly wonder if I’d be able to suck them both at the same time.
But where are my manners? We lock eyes for another second before she springs into action, pulling open a dresser drawer. I can only assume she’s looking for something to cover up with, and I’m surprised by how horny I am. Then again, why would I be surprised? My stepdaughter’s a nubile young woman with a body that could slay entire armies, and I’m a red-blooded alpha male with needs. It’s a fortuitous meeting, if I do say so myself.
But I try to come off as the forbidding stepfather.
“Harlow, what the hell are you doing?” I demand.
The luscious teen finally grabs a sweater and clutches it to her bosom, her face red now.
“What are you even doing in here?” Harlow manages to squeal. “This is my room! You never come down to this floor!” She’s trying to arrange the material so that it hides her body from my view, but it’s impossible because the sweater’s just too small. Every time she pulls the chunky material up, it exposes her pussy. And when she shifts it down, her full tits are exposed. I don’t mind the accidental peep show though, so I keep my mouth shut.
Instead, I lean into my role of strict caretaker. “I’m in here because I can’t hear myself think over that noise that you call music,” I growl as my chest tightens. “I can hear the ruckus three flights up, that’s how loud you have your speakers.”
Harlow stares at me, her mouth open. But then those brown eyes light with fire.
“I’m allowed to play my music as loud as I want,” Harlow retorts boldly. “You’re not my dad.”
The urge to laugh at her petulance— especially because she’s practically naked— almost overwhelms me. I bite my tongue before I answer her calmly. “Well no, but I am older than you and responsible for what goes on in this house,” I begin, but Harlow rolls her eyes.