Page 18 of Caught By Daddy (To Go)
“Good.” I feel Sam’s smile against my stomach. “That’s the goal.”
I poke his shoulder playfully. “That is not the goal,” I say, making my voice sound pouty. “How am I going to get around otherwise? Will you push me in a wheelchair?”
Sam turns his head and winks at me. “It’s one of the goals,” he clarifies, “and yes, I’d be happy to push you around.” Then, those blue eyes rove across my big breasts hungrily. “How soon is too soon to take you again?” my man growls before sitting me up and dragging me into those strong arms.
I push him away and giggle. “OMG you’re crazy! This is definitely too soon. Besides, I’m starving. I’m weak. Feed me.” I fall back dramatically against the pillows and close my eyes. “I’m thinking sushi ought to do the trick.”
Sam merely purrs again. “Yeah, that sounds good. Can I eat it off your body?”
I swat at him blindly. “You’re insatiable,” I giggle, but secretly, I’m delighted because Sam can never seem to get enough of me— both my body but also spending time together. Over the last few weeks, he’s been working less, so we’ve been going to museums, the park, and grabbing dinners together. We even took a long weekend away to go to the Hamptons, which was filled with sex, fun conversation, and romantic beach strolls.
“Hey Harlow?”
My man’s voice sounds a little strange so I open my eyes and turn my head toward him. “What’s up?”
He rolls over onto his side facing me, his long, muscular body like that of a Greek statue.
“I was curious if you had thought about going on the pill?” he asks.
I blink a few times, slightly taken aback by the question. I’m not exactly offended but it’s out of left field. Then again, maybe it’s not seeing that we just had an incredible session in bed.
“Oh, um,” I bite my bottom lip as I think about the best way to share my opinion. “Why? Do you want me to?” I deflect, curious what’s driven the doctor to bring up the subject.
“I do,” he says, those blue eyes direct. “I think it could be a great step.”
“Oh. But why?” I ask, my voice small. “After all, we’ve only been doing anal, and I’m not going to get pregnant from that.”
The man of the house sighs.
“Yeah, but aren’t you a little tired of it? I mean, don’t get me wrong, sweetheart, because I love being in your ass, but I was kind of hoping we could start having pussy sex,” he confesses. “And being on the pill would mean we could be safe about it. Besides, you know that even one drop of semen could get you pregnant. Not that I think you are, of course,” he adds hastily, “but just to be safe.”
“Oh,” I repeat once more, dumbstruck. The fact is that I enjoy anal, but I’m not going to deny that I’ve wanted him to slip inside my snatch on multiple occasions. He never has, though, and I’ve never pushed it. Maybe this is the reason why?
“I want that, too,” I explain carefully, “but the thing is that I don’t want to go on the pill.”
Sam throws me a curious look. “Why not, sweetheart? It’s perfectly safe, and much more effective than condoms.”
“I know,” I agree. “But I’ve looked into it and I just don’t think it’s for me.”
He’s silent for a moment. “Can you tell me more about that?” Sam asks, sounding almost clinical in his questioning.
I smile at his tone. “Well, Dr. White,” I tease but then immediately sober up. “I’ve heard and read about a lot of really bad side effects that I don’t think I want to deal with.”
“Go on,” he encourages. I appreciate that Sam isn’t pushing me to agree with him, but I know that he deserves to hear my full thoughts on the subject.
“Well, I know that a lot of women can have bad side effects. Some that are just annoying but there are others that actually sound like they’d mess things up. Like weight gain— that’s a common one that wouldn’t be fun. But things like headaches and nausea and mood-swings… I really don’t want to deal with that. I’m sorry,” I murmur. I fidget with the sheet, hoping that Sam isn’t mad at me, but I can’t help how I feel either. To my surprise, he lifts my chin with his hand so that our faces are level.
“Hey, I’m not upset,” he reassures me. He plants a gentle kiss on my lips and I practically swoon. “It’s your decision and I hear you when it comes to side effects. Although some have been proven wrong,” he adds.
I stroke the slight stubble on his cheek gratefully. “I know, but I really don’t want to go on the pill right now. I just don’t want to put my body through that when I have so much going on.”