Page 16 of Caught By Daddy (To Go)
His handsome features relax then. “Tell me,” he growls. “I’m always interested in anything that has to do with you, sweetheart.”
I giggle, my face flaming.
“Well, you know I haven’t been back to Club Z since we got together, so I’ve been focusing on my music,” I say.
He nods.
“You’d mentioned that,” he drawls. “How is it going?”
I smile brightly.
“Really awesome, in fact. I’ve been taking lessons, and I feel like they’re really paying off. My range has expanded, and I’ve even mastered some new songs. I’m writing too,” I say. “My creative juices are flowing and it feels really good.”
Sam nods.
“I’m happy for you, honey. Not to sound like a stalker, but I’ve actually heard you practicing a few times. Not fully, since your door was always closed, but enough to know that your voice is beautiful.”
I blush, really happy to hear his praise. “I’ve always loved singing,” I say in a shy tone. “Music in general, I just love music.”
“Has a singing career been a long-time dream of yours?” my handsome companion asks, his blue eyes curious. OMG, should I tell him? I feel so close to Sam already, so I go for it.
“Yes, it’s kind of all I’ve ever wanted to be,” I admit.
Sam looks genuinely interested.
“Really? But how did you get on this path?”
To be honest, I’m a little shy when it comes to my musical aspirations, but this man makes me feel comfortable, even when I’m at my most vulnerable, so I take a deep breath and leap in.
“Well, I’ve played piano since I was a little girl,” I tell him. “You know that, right? The lessons continued even after my mom passed, and I’m not great at it, but being forced to take lessons did teach me about chords. Plus it gave me a good foundation for music theory, overall.”
Sam nods.
“That makes sense. Do you still play?”
I shrug. “Not really, but I did manage to teach myself guitar along the way,” I laugh. “Again, I’m by no means the best, but I can pluck a few strings.”
Sam grins.
“I bet you’re better at it than you give yourself credit for,” the handsome man states seriously.
“Well, I guess I’m good enough that I’ve become a sort of regular performer at a coffee shop downtown.” I take a bite of egg roll, proud of telling Sam about my passion but slightly embarrassed at the same time. “It’s a new thing,” I say hurriedly. “I just started.”
“That’s incredible,” Sam says. “I’m so proud of you.”
“Really?” I ask, my heart lightening.
“Yeah absolutely. How often do you perform?” he asks.
“It’s just once a month. It’s fun, and no one really knows me over in that part of the city, so it’s like my own little secret life: Harlow the folk singer, and not Harlow the Club Z hostess.” I smile, glad that I’ve shared this little piece of my life with Sam. “Although I guess you could say I’m a girl with a lot of secrets.”
Sam just grins. “Yeah, but I like your secrets. But tell me, honey, do you write your own songs?”
“Oh, um, yeah,” I tell him. “It’s a mix of folk and blues I guess. There’s not a central theme or anything, I just kind of write whatever I’m feeling.”
Sam nods.
“That sounds wonderful, honey. Straight from the heart is what the audience always wants. But can I come see you play sometimes?” he asks. “Or is it too soon?”
I flush. “Oh sure, I guess,” I stammer. “But I’m not that good, so it could be a little amateur.”
Sam shakes his head.
“I bet you’re incredible, baby,” he growls. “Absolutely a super-star in the making.”
I feel my entire body grow warm at his praise. “Then I would love to have you come sometime.”
He winks.
“I’ll be there. But how come there are so many things I never knew about you before? Like piano, guitar, and now performing for an audience?”
I smile gently. “I guess we’ve never really had much of a relationship of any kind before now, even if we were rattling around in the same house for years. It’s just the way things are sometimes.”
Sam looks guilty for a moment.
“I’m sorry for that,” he growls. “It’s my fault because I should have been a better presence in your life. I hope you’ll let me make up for it, by being here now.”
I don’t think, I just follow my heart. I lean across the table and plant a soft, affectionate kiss on Sam’s cheek. “You’re an incredible man,” I tell him firmly. “And I’m grateful for our here and now.” I sit back in my chair, but I take his hand in mine, so as to reaffirm my words.
Sam gives me a half-hearted smile and squeezes my palm in turn. “Well, I know I’ve already told you this, but I want to tell you again. I’m so sorry I wasn’t there for you after Victoria passed. Again, I was a single man who had no idea what to do with a ten-year-old girl. That’s why I hired Griselda.”