Page 17 of Killer Prince
Tears prick my eyes. “I have to.” I can’t make him understand. Nobody does.
“I know you do. And as much as it kills me, as much as I’d rather bring you to my home and make love to you all night, I’ll take you home. But I have to know, if and when you finally ask me to help you and Sawyer get out, should I be helping your aunt too.” The tears fall. I can’t hold them back, even if I try.
Without thought, I fall against his chest, locking our lips in an embrace so intense, I'm left breathless. I never figured I could feel for a person what I am for Holden Adair right now. His arms wrap tightly around my waist as he drags me closer, taking over the kiss. Mastering complete control of my eager body.
“Soon, Holden.” I gasp as we pull apart, feeling eyes on us. “I’ll ask for help soon, I promise.”I just had no idea ofhowsoon.
As we slide from the booth, he helps me put my coat on, and I catch a glimpse of Johnny watching me. His gaze is obscene in a way that makes me want to vomit.
“Back the fuck off,” Holden hisses at the man, taking a step forward. Only stopping when I grasp his arm, pulling him back into me.
“Just admiring the view.” The stupid man smirks.
It sets Holden off because he slams a fist down on the table, spilling the contents of the man’s wine as the glass crashes to the ground.
“Keep looking, and I’ll rip your eyeballs out of your head.” Holden’s threat isn’t overheard by anyone watching, but I have no doubt he’ll follow through.
Johnny’s face pales before he composes himself and waves for the server to bring him another glass of wine. “Whatever you say. I’m just here to celebrate.”
“Not for long,” Holden mutters as he turns back to me. His anger seems to have vanished as he slips an arm around my back, guiding me out of the restaurant.
As we wait for the valet, he tells me, “You come across him anywhere, you call me. No hesitation.” I nod because, frankly, I’d rather not see the man ever again.
Clearing my throat, I change the subject. “I have classes tomorrow morning. I should be done around one. Would you like to meet for lunch?”Did I just ask him on a date?
Holden's Tahoe is parked in front of us, and as he helps me in and buckles my belt, his grin is one of pleasure. “You asking me out, Noelle?” I’m so shocked by my bold move that I nod. “Yes, I’ll meet you. Where?”
“Work? I need to get some books for a class anyways and grab my paycheck.” He nods and closes my door. The ride to pick up Sawyer is quiet. When I try to change, Lilith insists I keep the dress, explaining that Scotlyn told her mom to inform me that I wear it better than she does.
Dropping us off at home, Holden ensures we get inside, and I’m relieved to find the house is quiet. Hoping everyone is asleep, I instruct Sawyer to go to bed. Slipping into my room across the hall, I don’t expect the blow to the head, knocking me into the dresser and sending everything crashing to the ground.
Growing dizzy, I hear Sawyer as he comes in, and when Seth backhands him, I release a blood-curdling scream as I lunge for the overgrown man. He throws me off like I’m a feather, but Sawyer is able to run to his room, and that’s all I care about.
“Did you not learn your lesson yesterday? That’s my boy. You don’t get to take him out and not tell me. You don’t get to traipse around like a whore,” Seth hisses as he stalks forward.
“I’m sorry,” I whisper. I always say I’ll fight back, that I’ll cause as much damage as I can, but I never do. I don’t, out of the genuine fear that he will kill me.
“You’ll learn tonight.” He growls the words as he picks me up by the hair, throwing me into the sliding closet door. The jagged edges of broken glass splinter into my back and head as the fragile mirror falls into shattered pieces around me.
Cowering inwardly as he begins to laugh, I don’t move when he turns to leave. I have no idea how long I stay that way, sitting in a shallow pool of blood slowly dripping from my wounds. I now realize that I will be asking Holden for help sooner rather than later.
Pensacola, Florida – Johnny Allen: Found not guilty due to officer misconduct.
Idon’t typically commit acts of such violence in my own backyard. Usually, I wait, I watch, and I strike when the time is right. But this man has been trolling, leering at unsuspecting women as he bar-hops. Watching them in the same way he was watching Noelle tonight. I realized, without a doubt, that if I didn't stop him, he’d kill again.
“Come on, Johnny, brag some more. I wanna hear you,” I hiss in his ear as he hangs by his feet from a tree over the water. I never visit the same place twice, and the bay is the perfect spot for the alligators to find him. They’re incredibly aggressive right now as they fight to find the ideal mate. “Tell me what you did to her.”
When news broke of his crime, a sadness fell over Pensacola. We’ve seen our fair share of crime; hell, I’ve committed a good chunk of it. But never has anything been quite as horrific as what Johnny did to twenty-three-year-old Courtney Jamison and her baby.
“She was eight months pregnant, Johnny. When did you decide to do it?” Picking up the horsewhip, I crack it across his chest again.
“Okay! Alright. I’m sorry,” he sobs.
“It’s too late for sorries, Johnny boy. You took two lives, and the system fucked up by setting you free. You should be rotting in prison.” Grasping his greasy hair, I lift his head and stare into the eye that isn’t swollen. “It’s too bad you didn’t plead guilty when you had the chance. You’d be behind bars for the rest of your life, but at least, you’d be breathing.”