Page 73 of Seducing the Cowboy (Circle B Ranch 9)
"You don't sound excited."
"I'm tired of gettin' my hopes up," I admit, putting my dishes in the sink. I don't know how women deal with this for years.
Payton stands and rounds the breakfast bar, then grabs my shoulders. "Don't get discouraged."
"I'm worried I won't ever become a mom. That there might be something wrong with me."
"Besides your caffeine addiction, you're perfect."
I stick out my lip, narrowing my eyes. "That was...almost a compliment."
He chuckles. "C'mon, we'll check it together."
Payton grabs my hand and leads me to the bathroom. I drag my feet, but once the test is in view, I freeze in place.
"You look," I tell him.
He drops my hand and walks to the counter. I wait as he picks it up and reads it. Though he’s expressionless, my heart hammers in my chest.
My shoulders slump, and I squeeze my eyes to stop the tears.
"Just say it."
"It's positive."
"What?" I study his face as he stares at the test. Swallowing hard, I ask, "Are you sure?"
"There are two lines..." His face pales, and I worry he's going to pass out.
Stepping closer, I grab it and see two dark lines.
"Maybe I should take another one to be sure?" I mumble in disbelief.
I grab two more tests and rip them open. Payton takes one, and I take the other, then we dip them in the cup together.
We’re too stunned to speak as we watch the tests' control lines appear.
"The second line has already appeared on this one," Payton states.
I look at the one in my hand. "Mine too."
The tears I’m holding back begin to fall.
I'm pregnant.
Payton pulls me close, tightly wrapping his arms around me as emotions pour through me. We stand holding one another for nearly a minute. Then he cups my face and stares at my lips. For a moment, I wonder if he’ll finally kiss me, but then he buries his face in my neck, and I inhale his musky soap smell.
"I can't believe I'm really pregnant," I finally say, wiping my cheeks when he releases his grip. "I was sure it was gonna be negative. How'd you know?"
He shrugs. "Just had a feeling. I've been watching you for the past couple of weeks and noticed little changes."
Like my boobs.
I place my palm over my stomach, trying to imagine how it’ll feel and look when it grows. Since I was tracking my days, I figure I'm about four weeks along.
Holy shit, we're gonna be parents.