Page 69 of Seducing the Cowboy (Circle B Ranch 9)
“And as hard as it will be, please don’t get too attached because these horses won’t be healthy. Whatever happens to them after they arrive, just remember it’s not your fault, and you’ve done the best you can.” Elle’s soft voice is meant to reassure me, but I’m still worried about what we’ll witness.
“It’s something I’ve been trying to tell myself. They warned us they’ll be emaciated.”
She frowns, nodding. “You know I’m happy to answer any questions night or day, so don’t be afraid to reach out if you need anything.”
I smile and wrap my arms around her. “You’re the best cousin ever.”
She laughs. “I’ll take that compliment, considering how competitive that spot is.”
When the sound of an engine pulls our attention, the three of us walk to the barn's entrance and watch the truck and trailer roll to a halt.
“Howdy,” Game Warden Langston says, tilting his cowboy hat at us.
We exchange pleasantries, then he leads us to the back of the horse trailer.
“Meet Fancy,” he calmly tells us while slowly opening the door. I swallow hard, immediately noticing her protruding ribs. An overwhelming amount of sadness and anger fills me.
In the past thirty years of being around horses, I’ve never seen anything like this.
Payton places his hand on my shoulder as I suck in a deep breath. I walk around so she can see Payton and he can pet the softness of her chestnut-colored coat.
“Sweet baby,” I say softly. “You’re safe now.” I look into her eyes as I gently run my palm down her nose. Her mane is severely matted.
Payton chats with Officer Langston while Elle starts her physical. She checks her hooves and teeth, and I help her measure different parts of her body. This allows us to determine what she should weigh and how much food she needs.
“She’s malnourished. She’ll need to eat one and a half percent of her body weight four to five times a day. Salt block. Alfalfa cubes soaked in water several times a day for the first two weeks, then you can decrease. Soaking it will help her digest it easier,” Elle explains as she opens Fancy’s mouth to check her teeth.
“Payton and I are going to take shifts feeding her. He’ll do the first two during the day, and I’ll do the others in the afternoon and evening.”
Elle smiles. “Good plan. Y’all should be able to get her to a normal weight in about two months.” Her voice stays soft and steady while she walks around Fancy. When she’s finished her full body check, I hear the game warden’s diesel truck start and the trailer bounce down the road.
Payton removes his hat as he comes over to us. “So how is she? Like your overall opinion?”
“Sadly, I’ve seen worse,” Elle admits. “But before I can deworm her, she’ll need to fatten up. Her teeth need to be floated and her hooves need trimming, but I think I’ll need a radiograph of them first to make sure there isn’t a bigger issue I can’t see. I can get our best farrier out here to take care of it this week. With all of that being said, I think she’ll be okay. Fancy’s a fighter.”
“She’s in good hands now.” Payton beams.
“I’ll be back first thing in the mornin’ before work to file down those teeth and give the primary doses of vaccines. After about a month, I’ll administer the rest. Don’t want to move too fast and shock her body because she’s already so weak. When can y’all meet me tomorrow?”
“Whatever time works for you,” I confirm.
“I’ll text ya later after I look at my schedule. Probably gonna be at the butt crack of dawn,” she admits.
“Sounds like a plan,” I say just as her phone rings and interrupts us.
“Shit. I gotta run.” Elle gives us a wave as she rushes to her truck.
“Thank you,” I say, raising my voice.
“You owe me one!”
And then it’s just Payton, Fancy, and me. Payton hooks a lead rope on her halter, then walks her into the open lush green free-roam pasture with a trough of clean water.
“We’re not gonna let anything happen to you,” Payton confirms when she starts grazing.
As I stand beside him, watching Fancy eat, he places his strong arm around my shoulders and squeezes. Being with him feels like home.