Page 19 of Seducing the Cowboy (Circle B Ranch 9)
I wrap my arms around her, pulling her close and enveloping her in my warmth.
“When you can, get some details together for the rescue so my dad and uncles can review it. The sooner we get approval, the sooner we can get it started,” she tells me as unwanted space forms between us.
“I will.”
Kaitlyn gets in her truck and backs out of the driveway. I watch her taillights disappear in the distance, then look up at the twinkling stars and hope like hell she understands how important this is to me. She’s been my best friend for years, and if it’s a baby she wants, I want to be the one who gives that to her.
I can live with being just friends if I never have to live without her.
After chatting with Payton a few days ago, I haven't stopped thinking about his offer. He nearly begged me not to pick a sperm donor and let him be the one to get me pregnant. The longer I think about it, the crazier it sounds.
However, it'd mean having a partner to help and our kid growing up with both parents involved. Not to mention, Payton would have the opportunity to be a dad.
This proposition has its perks, but the whole sleeping with my best friend and sticking to our rules will be hard. I've never had a one-night stand, so I've never had to deal with the awkward aftermath.
What if I can't even look at him after we do it?
What if I don't end up getting pregnant, and we slept together for nothing?
What if he changes his mind after we have sex for the first time?
My mind floods with doubts and possibilities, keeping me preoccupied while I'm supposed to be working. Instead of risking my life and getting kicked by Malice, I quickly remove the gear, then put him in a stall. Once he’s settled, I head to the B&B for lunch.
"Hey, Uncle John!" I greet as I poke my head into the office.
"Hey, kiddo. How's it goin'?"
"Just fine. You workin' hard or hardly workin'?" I tease, eyeing his feet propped up on the desk as he sits back in a chair.
"Little bit of both, actually." He smirks. "Waitin' on Mila so we can run some errands."
" sweet. Like an old couple day date."
His gaze wanders over my shoulder, and my back straightens when I hear a throat clearing.
"Who ya callin' old?" Mila stands next to me with her arms crossed.
"Did I say old? Oh no, you misheard me. I meant older. As in, just a little older than me." I swallow hard, then add, "And wiser!"
John snorts at my failed attempt to cover my ass. I stand with my wrists casually crossed in front of me.
"Uh-huh." Mila's brows rise. "Older, wiser, and going deaf, right?"
"Oh, c'mon, y'all know I was just givin' y'all a hard time. "Fifties are the new thirties."
"In that case, I'm still a teenager!" Maize's voice makes me jump. She walks up behind me, laughing at my expression. "They makin' ya sweat?"
"Nah. Your parents don't scare me."
"They shouldn't. They're softies." Maize cracks up.
"Don't be tellin' people that. I have a reputation to protect." Uncle John stands, goes to Mila, then pulls her in for a side hug. "Ain't that right?"
"Mm-hmm," she responds, dragging him closer before smacking her lips to his.