Page 26 of Three Weeks of Hedonism (Forbidden Fantasies 59)
Mom nods with fake sympathy.
“Well, let me know what I can do. You know I always have my baby girl’s best interests at heart.”
That does it. I’m so sick of her prickly words and nasty insinuations. I get up as dignified as I can and leave the restaurant without another word. Fortunately, Nanette doesn’t follow me because I have some thinking to do, and with a baby on the way, suddenly the situation is urgent.
It’s been two weeks since Susie moved out of my apartment and back into the dorms, and it’s been pure radio silence from the curvy girl. My fists clench as I try to restrain my anger. I know she’s a college student, and I’ve tried to be patient. She needs time to settle in, go to classes, and meet up with friends, but at this point, it’s getting fucking ridiculous. Radio silence? Really, after we shared so much?
I slam my fist on my desk, leading to scared looks from my employees. We sit in an open office area, so they can see and hear everything. Sandy shoots me a frightened look but manages to stammer, “Are you okay, boss?”
I merely growl something unintelligible and then grab my coat and stalk out of the office without another word. The cold air hits me like a brick wall when I step outside, and I grunt, pulling my coat tighter around my shoulders. My behavior is unacceptable, and I shouldn’t be having a meltdown in front of my employees. But what the fuck? Ghosting? I get that it’s a thing among the teenage set but my Susie is too mature for that. Still, her silence is undeniable, and finally, I’ve had enough. With an angry snarl, I get into my truck and start driving like a madman to her dorm.
Soon enough, I’m before a long low building and pull my truck into the drop-off area with a screech before haphazardly parking it next to the curb. Then I stalk inside, taking the stairs to the third floor, before pounding on her door. Fortunately, there’s no one around to see my deranged behavior, and after what feels like a lifetime, the curvy girl finally opens the door. Her eyes are wide with shock when she sees me.
“Ed!” she gasps. “What are you doing here? Did I leave something at your apartment? Is everything okay? You look a little … um, tired.”
I blink furiously because I know ‘tired’ isn’t the right word. I look more like a raging bull out to do some serious damage.
“I don’t know, you tell me,” I bite out. “Why haven’t I heard from you for two weeks? What the hell is going on?”
The beautiful woman starts before glancing around the empty hallway. Then she beckons me to follow her into the single, where thankfully, she’s alone.
“Nothing’s wrong,” Susie murmurs once the door swings shut. “I’m just busy with school, that’s all.”
I squint with disbelief. “Really? School? That’s it? It’s been two weeks since we last spoke, and you’ve fucking disappeared.”
“I swear, it’s nothing,” she says in a trembling voice, refusing to meet my eyes. “I’ve just been busy.”
I’m so incensed that I actually put hands on her then. My big palms land on Susie’s shoulders and I shake her, not violently, but gently, trying to force some sense into her beautiful brain.
“What could be so important though? I haven’t heard a peep from you! Not even one text or one email.”
She looks a little scared, covering her belly with her hands, and that makes me stop the shaking immediately. No matter my rage, I see the fear on her face and there’s no excuse for my behavior.
“What is it?” I try again, a begging note to my tone this time. “Please, sweetheart. Tell me because I just want to know what’s going on. You’re killing me, Susie, and I need you back. Tell me what I did, and I’ll fix it. I’m sorry for whatever it is that I’ve done, but you need to give me a chance.”
She turns her face away, although her eyes glimmer with sudden tears.
“I have some studying to do, Ed, and class in an hour. Please,” she says in a trembling voice. “Just leave.”
I don’t budge. “No. I need to talk now. I’ll get on my knees and beg if it’ll make a difference because I need you, Susie. Everything was fine when you were staying with me, and now, it’s this? Zero contact? I’m just a nothing, even though you were in my bed two weeks ago, your sweet curves flushed? Do I work too much? I’ll take on fewer clients so I’m at home more. Is it because the apartment is too small? I’ll rent it out and we can get something bigger. Just talk to me, and we’ll figure out a solution together, okay? Because I can’t take the silence anymore.”