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“I’ve already consented. I don’t want that choice.”
“I think I’ve told you before. This isn’t about what you want.”
“Yes, sir,” she said. “But I want what you want.”
“You may think that. I’m giving you the choice. Do you understand?”
“Yes, sir.”
“Good. We understand each other. I will ask you each time we do something new whether I have your consent, and I want it verbally. No headshakes or nods. Got it? I need a verbal yes or a verbal no.”
“I understand, sir. But it will always be yes.”
She certainly had a one-track mind. Great. Whatever. I’d see soon enough how far she was willing to go. I had wanted to experiment with some BDSM for a while now, but finding a willing partner had been an issue. How exactly do you ask someone to let you tie her up?
Now, one had walked right into my life. A fucking hotel heiress, for God’s sake. But she was legal, so what the hell?
In the back of my mind, something nudged at my neck. That what I was about to do might be a huge mistake.
But I was erect, and a woman was on her knees in front of me.
I ignored the voice of my conscience.
It was the last time I would.
Chapter Four
I leave the office early, at four p.m., to meet my decorator at my place. She’s putting the finishing touches on the bedroom for Skye. First, though, I stop at a florist and pick up some pink rose petals.
I’ll go through with part of what I had planned for tonight. I’ll present Skye with her bedroom.
It will serve its own purpose for the new plans I have.
The rest?
The rest will wait.
Christopher pulls into the underground parking garage. “Is there anything else you need?” he asks.
“Just pick up Skye at six thirty,” I say, “and once she’s here, you know what to do.”
“Become invisible. Got it, Mr. Black.”
I head up to the penthouse, and my decorator meets me in the living room.
“Is everything set?” I ask.
“Yes,” she says, “and I hope you find it to your liking.”
“You haven’t disappointed me yet.” I walk up the stairway to my second level, and Glenna follows.
Glenna knows my tastes, but this room for Skye was a challenge. I couldn’t offer her much guidance except not to make it overtly feminine. That’s not Skye.
I open the door and walk into the room.
The mahogany bed is covered in a silky red comforter with black accents. The chest, dresser, and night tables are rich mahogany that matches the headboard—a normal headboard. This one doesn’t have the notches and hooks for my playthings.
This is Skye’s bedroom, not a playroom.
A sanctuary for her.
At least that’s how I imagined it when I hired Glenna to decorate it.
My plan was to gift it to her this evening, feed her a light but satisfying meal, and then take her to my room, where I’d gently introduce her to anal sex.
But I got ahead of myself in my desire for her ass. I was ready to break my own rule of treading carefully. Skye is not ready for anal sex.
Anal requires trust, and I’m afraid I don’t quite have Skye’s trust yet.
I don’t doubt her love. Not for a moment. Yet I do believe that true love can’t exist without the element of trust. She thinks she trusts me, and on some level, she probably does.
But I want her unconditional trust.
Until I have that, I won’t take her ass, no matter how much I want it.
And God, do I want that delectable ass.
I walk into the private bathroom. The fixtures are black porcelain accented with white and gold with just a splash of bloodred here and there.
Very Skye.
Glenna follows me. “Everything to your liking, Mr. Black?”
“Yes, Glenna. It’s perfect. Thank you for getting it done so quickly. Send me a bill.”
“You know I will.” She smiles. “I appreciate your continued confidence in me.”
“It’s well-placed. Do you need Christopher to drive you home?”
“No, I’ve got my car. Thanks.”
I nod as she leaves the room. Annika is downstairs and will see her out.
I gaze around the room once more—at the cream-colored walls, the abstract art, the walk-in closet that already houses clothes in Skye’s size, the rays of the afternoon sun shining through the skylight.
And I wish…
I wish I had her complete trust.
For so long, I felt unworthy of anyone’s trust, but now? After many years of self-reflection and hard work, I know I deserve to be trusted.
Skye will see that. If not tonight, eventually.
And if she doesn’t?
I know what I must do.
I sigh and leave the room, scattering the pink rose petals over the black carpeting down the hallway and stairs. I can’t help a slight roll of my eyes.
Rose petals. Fucking rose petals.
I have it bad for this woman.
God help me.
Once that task is complete, I grab my phone to check my texts and emails, and I let my finger hover over the Instagram app.