Page 43 of Pack Reclaimed (Blood and Moonlight 3)
Callum was right, no change of land would fix the past, but we could be a safe haven for those healing and those who no longer wanted to bury their head in the sand. Times were changing and we were witnessing it firsthand. The only way to go now was forward.
“Did you know the energy of the full moon lasts for longer than just the first night?” Callum asked casually, like he didn’t drag us all outside the compound walls at nearly midnight.
“Sure,” I answered with a shrug. “So, what are we doing?”
“I was thinking a bit of a competition. A midnight run, just us,” he said with a mischievous grin.Uh oh.
“As in we’re hunting Vanya down?” Leven clarified, apparently picking up on his unspoken instructions before I did.
“Where does that leave me?” Holt asked.
Callum snorted. “Don’t act like your magic won’t make this insanely more difficult for us. Don’t hold back on us, witch.” And that was all it took for Holt to turn from frustrated to feral as he turned to face me. I swallowed hard and glanced at the others. Nyx was grinning like the Cheshire Cat, Leven looked calculating, Torryn was excited, his energy had him bouncing from foot to foot.Oh good.
“So I’m the prize?” I hissed. “How is that fair? What do I win?”
“The best sex of your life.” Callum laughed. “I want you to scream so loud that the locals hear it and tell legends about the spirits haunting this forest.”
They watched as I started to strip my clothes off, leaving them on a boulder so I could find them later. When I turned to them, I narrowed my eyes.
“I get a five-minute head start. Holt also has to give you a sound barrier so you can’t know where I went,” I challenged. “Or are you afraid it’ll give me an advantage?”
“Oh, that’s how it’s going to be?” Nyx asked with a chuckle. It wasn’t a lighthearted one, but one full of heat and intent. My pussy was already eager for them just from this conversation. I’d only been chased by Callum before, and never in this big of a context. My heart was pounding in anticipation. I couldn’t fucking wait.
“Done,” Holt said, shooing me away. As soon as I was far enough, he threw up a barrier and I could no longer hear them, though their mouths were moving. I didn’t hesitate to shift, flying through the forest at a breakneck pace.
Limbs and underbrush tore at my fur as I passed, but I didn’t stop, running like my life depended on it. The forest wasn’t familiar anymore, but I didn’t let that scare me. We were safe out here now and I could handle my own. One scream and I’d be surrounded by my men and my pack. Yet it was hard to shake that awful feeling that months of terror had left behind.
When it felt like enough time had passed, I finally slowed to a walk. My heightened senses caught on everything and each snap of a twig or rush of animal paws had me pausing, only to brush it off as non-shifters.
“There you are.” Holt’s voice was low and I started as he appeared in front of me. He was wearing only his boxers now, tattooed body on display for me. I licked my lips as I glanced at him but my body was ready to run. He laughed heartily as I took off at a sprint and he made a game of keeping pace next to me, his legs encased in a magical barrier of some kind, propelling him forward at the same speed. “I can keep up now, my love.”
The moment we broke through the trees into a clearing, he gave up the game, slamming me onto the soft moss and straddling my hips. We were both covered in sweat and breathing heavily, but he was hard as he grinded his hips into mine.
“I guess this means I win, doesn’t it?” he teased as he captured my mouth. He slanted his lips over mine, the kiss immediately flaring our bond to life. I’d tried hard to keep it locked down, knowing it would be a beacon for the other guys, but it was impossible as his hands kneaded my breasts and his mouth claimed mine. He was no longer the shy, timid witch we’d found. Now he’d come into his personality, it was just as sarcastic as mine but with hints of fire that left me breathless. He was magnificent, and right now, encased in a glow of his magic, he looked ethereal.
My hips rocked into his as he licked his way into my mouth. When I reached between us, he lifted himself off of me enough I could wrap my legs around him and line him up at my entrance. Of course, he didn’t let my control go further, one hand snatching mine and pinning them above my hand as the other held me still.
I whimpered as he slammed into my cunt in one bruising movement, my pussy already aching for more. Holt wasn’t generally a slow and meticulous lover, but he never left me wanting for more.
“I learned a new spell,” he teased as he leaned away from our kiss. My chest was heaving with my rapid breathing so I simply raised an eyebrow. His smirk should have had me worried, but the moment he hissed under his breath his hand took on a slight magical glimmer and he slid it between us, seeking out my clit. I cried out the moment he touched it, the intensity of the vibrations had me bucking my hips into him. My entire body flooded with euphoria, the spell sending me from horny to downright feral as I writhed against him, desperation coloring every move.
“Fuck,” I whimpered as he amped up the spell. It was a mix of vibrations and a sensitivity spell because there was no way I’d react like this otherwise. Each stroke of his fingers had my stomach clenching and my body tensing, anticipating the orgasm that I couldn’t ignore or escape. He laughed as he continued to fuck me, enjoying seeing me struggle under him as everything was just too much… yet I needed more. “More.”
“Damn, love.” He grinned, yet amped it up another notch. I regretted it immediately as I screamed out against it. He’d doubled it and my mind blanked out as I tried to process what was happening. Within seconds I was crying out, the orgasm hitting me hard enough my entire body clenched around him. “Fuck,” he groaned as he pumped into me, each stroke of his pierced dick sending shockwaves through me. I was babbling incoherently until he finally tensed. “Come again with me this time.” It wasn’t a suggestion, his hand continuing to stroke over my clit until I had no choice but to follow him. It was almost painful, so sensitive my eyes watered, but the pure fucking bliss it left in its wake was something I’d never truly experienced. I’d had great sex but this was mind blowing.
The moment he relaxed against me, our foreheads together as we came back down to earth, a round of applause echoed in the forest. My first instinct was to push Holt off and run, but I don’t think I could have if I wanted to.
“Damn, Holt, that was insane,” Nyx praised in a husky voice. “Does this mean it’s my turn?”
Holt pulled away and collapsed on the mossy forest floor. “Run, love.”
I tried to scramble to my feet and run but I collapsed instead. The air was knocked out of me as Nyx pounced. He was hard, his erection pressing into my ass before he spread my legs and slammed into me from behind, Holt’s cum giving him enough lube to make it an easy task. He was bigger than Holt, and that familiar burn hit me. My pussy was already bruised and overstimulated, but I was already lost in the feel of Nyx slamming into me from behind. He pulled my hips up so my face was pressed into the dirt and moss and my ass was in the air for him. He growled, hand landing on my ass with a resounding smack, the burn of it had me trying to get away again but he held me still.
Nyx fucked me quick and furious, his fingers teasing me into another orgasm as he came. I could hear someone getting closer, so the moment he finished, I was off, pulling away from him and rushing forward into the forest again. Nyx and Holt were laughing at my attempts at staying steady and I shifted, the extra strength taking away the after-sex fog and healing my abused pussy a bit.