Page 32 of Pack Reclaimed (Blood and Moonlight 3)
“None of that, this is a time for celebration,” I said trying to keep up the high of finally having direction.
“You’re right,” she said, swiping at her face and shaking out her body. It was an adorably weird move she did when she was trying to force herself out of a mood. “What did you have in mind?”
Just to tease her, I gave her a wolfish grin and nipped at her ear. “I can either fuck you senseless or we can go find the others.”
“Option one please,” she said as she ripped off her shirt. I laughed at her haste but wasn’t going to complain, both of us stripping before I threw her back on the bed. Hovering over her, I sucked her already hard nipple into my mouth. She was so warm and responsive that all my focus was on her with one little moan of pleasure. It was insane how much this woman could get in my head and turn me on without even trying. Sure I had to share her with all of these other mates, but at the end of the day, I knew my mate was happy, loved, and well protected. That made it all worth it.
She pulled me up so her lips could crush against mine, teasing until I parted for her and her tongue could tease me. Every stroke of her tongue had my dick hardening even more until it was almost painful. We were just getting started and already I felt like I could explode. Her fingers trailed down my chest, nails scraping lightly over my skin. The trails she left behind burned slightly, adding to the warring sensations. I was so close to slamming her down on my cock.
In fact…
Repositioning myself, I laid on my back and pulled her onto my hips so she was straddling me. Watching her ride my cock was my favorite, full tits bouncing and her mouth falling open in pleasure as she used me to come.
Fuck, keep it together,I reminded myself internally.
Then she started to move, and it was all I could do to not take over, slamming her down on my cock over and over until she was coming all over it.
Something switched in Vanya then, her body freezing and her eyes taking on a clouded look. It was the same one she took on anything she had a new vision. Her body erupted in goosebumps.
“Vanya!” I yelled as I tried to shift her on me, but then her clouded eyes focused in on me, widening before she let out a scream. Her claws ripped at my skin and her fist cocked back, slamming into my eye. I couldn’t fight her back so I had to slide her off of me as carefully as I could before putting her in a bear hug, holding her too me even as she fought for her life.
“What the fuck is going on?” Nyx yelled before forcing his way into the tent, ripping the door off in the process. “Um, explain?!”
“We were fucking and she got a vision. Help,” I growled.
“Last time getting in her head worked. Use the bond,” he growled, helping me hold her now.
‘Vanya, baby, come back to me!’I pleaded.‘It’s not real, you were fucking me, not him. Don’t let him hold you.’The entire time I spoke in her head I shook her lightly, trying anything and everything to ground her back in the present.
“She’s not usually this far in,” Nyx said, freaking out now. “Vanya!” His yell was loud and seemed to shock her out of her head. She had to blink several times before the cloudiness and confusion was gone from her eye.
“Make it stop,” she begged before fully breaking down, arms wrapping around her knees as she curled in on herself. Not knowing how to do what she asked, I went for things Icouldfix right now. I wrapped a blanket around her body before pulling my boxers on. Nyx and I both settled into her sides, sandwiching her between our warm bodies.
“We’re here with you,” Nyx promised. “Right by your side, always. We can’t fix this, but we can help keep you grounded.”
“I just want it to stop.” She sniffled and burrowed farther into the blanket.
“Tomorrow, Vanya. We’re going to reclaim our lives tomorrow.”
“We fucking better,” she said fiercely. “Because I can’t do this anymore.”
Neither could I.
We’d been on the road for hours, exhausted but not willing to stop. There was enough of us in the pack we just switched at every gas stop. The view outside of our windows shifted from fields to forests, getting more rocky and green as we got closer to our destination.
The billboards shifted from random local advertisements to all about the smokies and Gatlinburg. Any other time in my life and I might have appreciated it. This time, unfortunately, anxiety was gripping me like a parasite burrowing into my fucking soul and not loosening its hold on me in the slightest.
Just before nightfall, we reached the city limits of Gatlinburg. Callum took the lead in our SUV as he led us through the roads until we turned into an empty parking lot. It was mottled with holes and broken asphalt, the warehouse at the front indicating a closed down building, barely legible with half of its lettering long gone.
They mentioned it would be spelled, but this was making it hard to believe there was something better hidden underneath. Our car rocked with the potholes but Callum continued to forge ahead until we were driving through the barrier. It was like being submerged underwater suddenly, sound distorting and a thickness to the air until we passed.
The other side was a completely different world and I let out a startled laugh at the huge resort-like building that had been hiding. It was dark-gray brick with large windows. The landscaping out front was immaculate, blood-red roses leading the way from the parking lot up to the front steps to the matching double doors. The place could easily house our entire pack and have room leftover.
“Apparently we needed to look for abandoned hotels, not pack lands,” Leven deadpanned.