Page 28 of Pack Reclaimed (Blood and Moonlight 3)
“We will,” I promised. She gasped and waved a hand, gone in an instant. I just hoped she was able to get away before she was caught.
My breath caught as I stared down at the mixture of leather and lace. Meira was always making bracelets, but this one was her favorite, made from Mom’s wedding dress and Dad’s favorite belt, a piece of our family. I’d had one too until the elders had cut it from my wrist with their claws during a punishment. That had hurt far more than the wounds and they knew it.
“I’m going to need to know what’s going on,” Torryn demanded after a moment of silence.
“It was my sister’s mate. This was a bracelet Meira always wore,” I said quietly.
“But I thought they had to have a connection with you to talk?” he asked. The thought hadn’t even occurred to me.
“She was hiding it from someone. Maybe it was the same mirror and already attuned to me? If he is keeping her mates as close as he did Meira, they probably knew which to use,” I said in an attempt to clear my own worries away.
“So what now?” he prompted since I still hadn’t moved.
‘We have a name.’I close my eyes and call out to my other mates.‘Everyone, meet me in the security office. I have information.’Their overlapping responses were too much to decipher so I pulled Torryn toward the security office, my steps turning into a full run in my impatience. This is the most we’ve had in a fucking week, and I was too impatient to sit idle.
“Whoa,” Antonio said as he looked up to me skidding to stop inside the room. “Where’s the fire now?”
“Here,” I said excitedly. “Look up Stonefall Mines.”
He didn’t question as he turned back to the computer. The others all came into the room in just as much of a hurry. I frantically explained the situation, barely taking a breath the entire time.
“They want us to save them, to come to them. We have a name,” I finally concluded.
“So we go to them,” Callum agreed. “We have a lead now. We’ll call the archives, gather our allies, make a plan, then leave in the morning.”
I pulled him down for a kiss. “Thank you for trusting me. I know it’s risky, and it might be a long shot, but this was handed over to me, it’s hers and this girl wasn’t lying.” I held up the bracelet now secured to my wrist.
“If you believe this vehemently, how could we not look into it? I’d never deny my mate,” he reassured me. “This is the best lead we’ve had.”
“Only one issue,” Antonio said. His somber tone had my entire body tensing.
“There’s nothing in the smokies by this name. We even went back in records. It’s wiped clean if it was there.”
Adam and Grayson walked in right as he finished. “We felt like you needed us.”
“Intuition?” I questioned. He shook his head.
“Most of us have it to some degree but mine is stronger than most. What’s going on?”
“We got a lead, but it’s not showing up anywhere,” Antonio answered.
“Stonefall Mines is the location we got,” I said at the same time. There was a flicker of recognition in his eyes. “You know that name?”
“We had a truce between the wolves and the vampires. One of the bloodiest battles to ever hit our history books was when that treaty was crossed. It was a long time ago, but the pack was called Stonefall. I’m positive,” he argued as if we didn’t believe him. “We called it a victory the day we beat them back. Some were skeptical and thought they’d resurface and apparently they have.”
“Isn’t he too young to be the same person?” I questioned. “No offense, but we haven’t had war between us in a long time.”
Grayson nodded. “Maybe a son? Or someone obsessed with the history of that pack?”
Adam shook his head. “I doubt he’s a different wolf. Magic can do many things to a man, even render him young.”
“If that’s the case, then we definitely need to call the archives,” Nyx said.
“And until then?” Leven interjected. “Do we pack up or wait?”
“With nowhere to go yet, staying would be smartest,” Torryn said. There was no hesitation this time, and I silently cheered that he was no longer holding back.
“I agree,” Callum said, nodding to Torryn with respect in his gaze. “We prepare and wait. We need a set location to set out.”