Page 12 of Pack Reclaimed (Blood and Moonlight 3)
“We didn’t have much to offer him other than warmth. Hence the fire and packing our things around him,” Adam said sadly.
“I appreciate your kindness,” I answered for us. My eyes were stuck on how shallow his breaths were. “Nyx?”
Ignoring the shocked gasps as my mate shifted, giving them a shot of his bare ass, he crouched down to inspect Torryn, lifting his shirt to look at the wound.
“He needs to shift,” Nyx finally said. “But he’s not fully pack yet.”
“What happened?” Gavin asked as he gaped at the awful markings on my mate.
“I don’t know what all you know about what’s happening in the wolf and witch world,” I started, giving him a quick synopsis.
“That’s actually why we’re here. We’re from the Archive Hive and you weren’t responding,” Adam answered.
“We can explain more when we get back, but I need to get this wolf back to our pack. You’re welcome to follow us home.”
“Thank you,” they both answered before busying themselves with packing up their camp and pouring dirt on the fire.
“He’s not conscious enough to shift,” I told Callum. Leven and Nyx shifted, taking clothes out of the pack Callum had grabbed.
“We’ll carry him back,” Leven promised me. They might not have accepted him, but here they were not hesitating to help get him home and healed. Maybe there was hope for us after all.
“Ophir and Perseus sent you?” I asked the two vampires sitting in front of me. The only places we had to meet currently—that were cleaned up—were the security building or the pavilion, and I wasn’t willing to have extra ears on this conversation, just in case.
The fact he said they contacted me and it hadn’t gone through had me worried some kind of tech magic was involved. Or someone intercepted. I wouldn’t put either past our enemies. Hell, they probably hexed the whole area against it.
“They did,” Adam said evenly. “When they couldn’t get a hold of you they looked up your pack. There was no one here so they sent us out to investigate. However, it seems in the meantime, you’ve returned. We expected to find empty homes, not a full pack.”
“Or what’s left of it,” I sighed. “They ensured we couldn’t survive well here. Nearly every building was burned to the ground. We only just got back two days ago. They’re trying to cut us down the only way they could after we cost them an entire compound full of victims.”
Grayson shook his head sadly. “We heard of the battle but hadn’t realized it had gone that far. I’m sorry to say the vampires were reluctant to get involved.”
That was the impression I had gotten too. “What changed?”
Adam sighed. “They’re picking off vampires now, one by one, all from random locations that have no real connection.”
“Then it won’t be long if you remain complacent. We’re building an army while we can,” I said bluntly.
“Glad to see that wolves are as resourceful as they say.” I smiled at Adam’s words.
“We have to be. Tradition has been taking down far too many of us over the years.”
“I fear the same. It’s not just our full-blooded vampires that are going missing,” Grayson said reluctantly.
“The hybrids?” I questioned. “Of course they’d want the ones mixed with witches. More magic to tap into. He’s getting desperate.”
“It’s not just them. The wolf and vampire hybrids, the human and vampire hybrids. It seems they have no use for full-fledged vampires. We aren’t sure what they hope to gain.”
“Mates and power,” I said evenly. “Everything with them has been about gaining powers.”
“And vampires are stronger and more powerful than wolves,” he concluded. There was no judgment in this tone, just fact. That was the only reason I didn’t counter the argument.
“Honestly, I don’t know enough to counter that statement,” I admitted. “We’ve been separated for too long.”
“Something our hive is trying to fix. No one else was willing to take us seriously, despite the high esteem they hold our archive,” he said bitterly.