Page 8 of Pack Evaded (Blood and Moonlight 2)
At this point, I was more than ready to be back on my own turf again, though the threats hanging over my head had hardly disappeared.
“How is Dave?” I asked, realizing I hadn’t caught up on everything. Nyx grabbed my hand and squeezed.
“He’s good. Just some minor injuries and a few nights in the hospital and he was back to his own bed again,” he reassured me. “He refused to let us take your truck. I think he’s partially worried that with you missing, it could have been us.”
“I doubt that.” I laughed. “The town doesn’t trust you guys but I don’t think that Dave would jump to that conclusion. Though I’m curious if he saw who attacked him.”
“No,” he confirmed. “He has no memory of the attack at all. Which is probably for the best. The police are looking into it but have no leads, obviously.”
“Seems we have that in common,” I grumbled. My gaze flickered to the window to stare out at the clouds surrounding us. The fact I felt so hopeless so soon after finding the guys again had me feeling downright melancholy. It just felt like we’d hit roadblock after roadblock with no real answers and I was about to lose my damn mind.
“Hey. Don’t go there,” Nyx whispered. He reached over and used his fingers to guide me to face him. His pale blue eyes were full of compassion, and I had to close my eyes for a moment so I didn’t lose it. “None of this is on you, and we’ll find answers. You didn’t create him or set the bounty he’s trying to collect. But you are strong enough to help us track his ass down, and his pack, and put an end to all of this.”
I sniffled and gave him a watery smile. “Well when you put it like that.” He chuckled and released my face. “I’m just so worried about Meira, and I can’t shake the feeling that this is so much bigger than we realize.”
“The supernatural worldisbigger than you realize. Listen to a few of Garren’s stories and you’ll figure it out,” he chuckled darkly.
“What do you mean bigger? More than just witches and wolves?” I asked. He had my attention now.
“Vampires. Ghosts. The works,” he explained. “All that lore started somewhere, and we all had to go into hiding. If anyone tells you humans aren’t just as dangerous as we are… well they’re fucking lying.”
His voice was low enough no one else could hear, but I was hanging on every single word falling from those perfect lips.
“This is crazy,” I said. “It’s ridiculous I’m questioning your sanity when we literally turn into wolves… but blood-drinking vampires?”
“They’re real,” he protested. Then something sparked in his eyes. It was like something had clicked into place and now he was ready to burst. “Shit. How did we not think to do this? Garren mentioned once that our kind has libraries. If so, maybe they have a record of covens. If we can get witches on our side too… fuck, just imagine!”
“Shh,” I hissed when we got a strange look from an older lady across the aisle. His voice had risen just enough and the mention of witches was not making us any friends. I watched her do the sign of the cross and mutter a prayer, and I had to bite back laughter. At least she hadn’t heard the rest of our conversation or she’d surely be ready to jump from this plane.
“Whoops,” Nyx said around his laughter. He was one hundred percent unapologetic, so I let the conversation drop for now. Instead I rested my head on his shoulder and let my eyes drift closed.
* * *
It wasdark by the time we pulled back into Dixon. The moment I saw the sign for it, I was filled with a mix of worry and relief. Dixon had been my safe haven, but it had also been tainted by death and fear.
“Do you think Garren is still awake?” I asked as we drove past the diner. Leven snorted out a laugh.
“I texted him we were coming in, he’ll be awake. I’d bet my truck that they’ve got a fire going at the pavilion,” Leven said. He’d been lighter than I’d ever seen him since we reunited. A spark of humor rested in those gorgeous green eyes of his and there was no hint of the old, stoic asshole I’d both hated and wanted when I first arrived here at the Bluffs.
When the wrought iron gate and mansions beyond came into view, my heart started racing. It felt like coming home and that was something I don’t think I’d every truly experienced.
The gate slid open, and Antonio, Carlo, and Daniel rushed out to greet us. I’d barely climbed out before I was being crushed in hugs.
“You fucking scared us,” Antonio chastised, and I swear I saw a tear forming in his eye.
“No shit. You can’t come barreling into the pack like the annoying little sister I never knew I needed, then let your ass get kidnapped,” Carlo added on.
“Missed you guys too,” I said, giving them one last squeeze and stepping back. “Where are the others? I know Emma isn’t just sitting back patiently if she knows we’re back.”
“Pavilion. The whole pack is there,” he said in confirmation of Leven’s suspicions. I turned that way but I couldn’t even hear the sound of laughter or music.
“But it’s silent,” I whispered. Fear had my voice trembling enough that Callum pulled me in.
“They’re worried, little wolf. Nothing happened to them,” he promised. The alpha released me from the embrace and took my hand so he could lead me down the empty street. Finally when we were passing Nyx’s yard I could see the crowd, the fire crackling but not a soul speaking.
“Well this isn’t the kind of pack party I remember,” I called out. It was silent for a few more beats as my words caught everyone’s attention, then Emma let out a screech and barreled toward me, crushing me in a hug.
“Vanya!” she gasped as she slammed into me. We fell to the ground in a fit of tears and giggles as I hugged her tight. I knew she was important to me before I was kidnapped, but I just hadn’t realized that she’d swiftly become my best friend.