Page 57 of Pack Evaded (Blood and Moonlight 2)
“Now that we know what we we’re looking for, we’ve spotted three more compounds like the one that Callum and Holt just escaped from,” Grant explained.
“I guess that explains why the alpha wasn’t there very often,” Holt said. The frustration in his tone was mirrored around the room.
“Exactly,” Antonio agreed. “He’s bouncing between these three, but this fourth he spends the most time at. A home base I’d assume.”
“We’re going to have to smoke him out,” Grant finished for him.
“But if one compound falls, would he bother to come check it out?” I asked.
“Or would he go clear out the debris?” Holt added.
“It’s all speculation at this point, but I think he’d react,” Antonio said. “It would piss him off enough that he’dhaveto get involved. The ego is a powerful thing.”
“He’s been ‘untouchable’ this far, I think he’ll be much more present after we launch this attack,” Grant agreed.
“And Grant managed to hack into some systems I didn’t even know about. Where I only found his face popping up a time or two, he found all of these.” He held up the tablet and scrolled through countless shots of the man. Grave looked exactly like I pictured. He had long, greasy curly black hair and wore faded leather and ripped jeans. He looked like a biker that tried too hard. His face was marred with deep scars and a permanent scowl. It was an ugly mug and one that if I saw him walking down the street, I’d steer clear.
“And we found his witch,” Grant added as he slid his finger across the screen to reveal Straya. She was his opposite. Her outfit screamed money and her hair didn’t have a strand out of place. Even in the candid picture, her makeup looked airbrushed. With her inky black hair and pale skin, her blue eyes and sharp features stood out. But as I studied the images, I could see that the beauty ended there; her eyes showed the evil she was trying to hide. She was the face of beauty hiding darkness underneath. Her lips were twisted into a slight snarl in more than one picture. They were definitely a fated match and likely the only two people on earth willing to deal with each other.
It was strange to be staring down at the two people who had single handedly tried to bring the supernatural world to its knees. They’d succeeded with the witches and they were making good headway on the wolves. I just hoped when word got out that more allies would join us. It would be hard to trust anyone but we’d have to hope his narcissism and mind games wouldn’t allow for full infiltration like that. He lacked the patience and discipline for the long game. He wanted you to know he was tormenting you, just like the trackers. They didn’t leave Torryn and the others alone out of pity, they were keeping them on edge and in constant fear before they took the time to strike.
Zoey stood up and took over at that point. “However, the moment they find out about this is the moment they start to prepare. We have to move swiftly, act without hesitation, and hope for the best.”
The room was so silent at that point I could hear my heart pounding. Glancing to my right, I saw Holt fighting through his own panic. On instinct I wrapped my fingers around his. He glanced over and his body relaxed a bit.
“You don’t have to go with us,” I offered quietly so the others didn’t overhear.
He looked at me with a determination that rivaled my own.
“Oh, I’m coming. I’m going to watch them raze that place to the ground. Then I’m going to join in on every attack after until they’re exterminated like the vermin they are.” His words were said so calmly but the undercurrent of ice in his tone had a shiver running down my spine.
“And we’ll be right by your side,” I promised. We shared a look, one of recognition. We’d both lived through different levels of trauma but recognized the survivor in the other. He leaned forward and brushed his lips across mine, surprising us both. My entire body lit on fire at the contact, responding to him just as strongly as it did my mates. It wasn’t just a quick act of attraction. It was a promise that we’d figure out where this would go, that we’d stick by each other until then, and a vow to hold this pack together no matter the costs. We were about to go to war so this was the best we could offer each other.
Grave Alpha
My eyes were locked on the mirror as I watched the wolves prepare for battle. It was almost laughable that they thought they stood a chance against my army. They could take out this leg of the operation, but that was just one of many. Those soldiers meant nothing to me. They might save a few witches, but that site was where it all began. Those prisoners were so broken they were useless to me now.
“Oh look, they have their own little witches offering protection,” Straya mocked them. “They’re so weak in comparison to my magic. Why are they even bothering?”
“So humble,” I said drily. She glared at me with fire in her eyes. She’d be downright terrifying if I was any other wolf. She could throw her fits all she wanted; she knew I could kill her if given half the chance. The only reason I kept her around was because we made each other stronger. We barely tolerated one another; you couldn’t even call us allies. But it worked for us.
“We can just cast them down now,” she offered. But my curiosity was going to win this round.
“No. I want to see how this plays out.”
A knock on the door had her sweeping her hand to remove the image in the mirror. My second poked his head in.
“Alpha, the room is ready for you.” I gave a quick nod before he turned and walked out.
“I’ll leave you to this one. I don’t want to get blood on this dress,” Straya said before she walked out as well. It was hilarious to me that she bothered to keep up appearances. Our lifestyle was hardly high society, but she always reminded me that she was merely biding her time before she rebuilt the witches under her own power and needed to look the part.
With a heavy sigh, I walked out of my quarters and down the hall to the basement stairs. My boots echoed in the empty room below as I headed toward a small hallway in the back of the room.
When I pulled open the door I needed, I fixed my face into a stoic mask. The man tied to the chair was livid and I had to bite back a smile at the sight.
“You failed me. In fact, you were my mostrenownedtracker. The one I used and paid the most and yet you let one little wolf get in your way?”