Page 27 of Pack Evaded (Blood and Moonlight 2)
My heart stopped at that, and I glanced at the others who looked just as startled at our alpha’s words. We were flying blind on this mission and clearly trust was not just an issue I had but all of us.
The elevator finally stopped and all of the lights lit up at once before the door slid open. The hallway beyond was more dungeon than library. My wild imagination was running crazy so it just added fuel to the fire.
“Oh, this isn’t ominous at all. Totally normal,” Nyx joked as he stepped out of the elevator. I followed close behind him, taking his hand for strength. Since the moment we got to Philly, it had felt like we were suddenly on the bottom of the totem pole and I was still coming to terms with that.
The long stone hallway was lit by torches. They were all still burning bright, and I would guess they were spelled against dwindling down. The warm glow brightened the dark stone that lined the halls and floors. The ceiling was domed like a tunnel as it sloped even farther downward, the rug under our feet giving enough traction that we didn’t fall as it grew even more steep the longer we pushed on.
Finally a large wooden door came into view and I picked up my pace to reach it. Nyx let out a noise of surprise as I dragged him along behind me. Leven and Callum had kept pace behind us until now. The moment I reached for the door, Leven pulled me back with a glare and nodded for Callum to join him. They stood side by side, blocking us, as they pushed open the door.
Yet another shock awaited us beyond the door. We went from modern elevator, to medieval castle hall, and back to a modern library. It looked like a prestigious collegiate library, from tall shelves lined with books that appeared older than the city itself to the large wooden tables nestled in the middle of the room with green desk lamps on top, adding extra light. A large mural was painted on the roof, the swirling galaxy brightening the room with its vibrant colors which were a change from the whites and browns of the room below. Lights surrounded the mural, adding enough that the room was bright and airy.
And it was empty.
Not a single soul appeared in the room as we entered. The circulation desk was empty, the study desks barren, and even as the room seemed to go on for miles and miles, we couldn’t see anyone hiding between the stacks.
“Hello?” I called out. My voice echoed in the vaulted ceilings but even then no one appeared.
“So do we just explore?” Nyx asked softly.
“It would be rude to not introduce yourselves first, wouldn’t it?” a voice called out. I let out an undignified shriek as a man appeared in front of us. Leven once again yanked me behind him. The vampire laughed, his fangs glinting in the light and eyes full of amusement.
“Forgive my comrade. It seems we are bored down here away from normal social interactions,” a drawling voice explained with a hint of amusement, joining us before an older vampire appeared. Both of them were wearing cloaks, underneath were regular suit vests and slacks. Their skin was as pale as I’d anticipate a vampire who lived underground to be. They were handsome with model good looks, perfectly styled hair, and even white teeth that showcased their pointed fangs. Despite their eyes being different colors, they were pale and clouded slightly. The way they studied us though meant their vision wasn’t impaired.
“Wolves,” the first noted. “Welcome. We were told to expect you. It’s about time someone put together what we’ve been watching unfold for years. You’ve only scratched the surface.”
“The war of our kind?” Callum asked.
“Witches disappearing?” I added.
The older nodded. “Yes. But it is much more than that. Right this way.”
He turned on his heel and walked away. We shared a look but didn’t dare speak as he led us to the other side of the room and through a door. This hallway was just as long, lined with a multitude of doors. He didn’t lead us far before pushing a door open and holding it for the rest of us.
The inside of the room was less conference room and more detectives-on-a-complicated-cold-case setup. There was a huge map of the United States with pins and red strings stretched across the surface. The entire wall behind it was a corkboard and they had stretched the strings to clusters of photos and documents. I didn’t bother to wait for their approval before I walked up and started inspecting the clusters.
“Meira,” I whispered. Seeing her picture smiling down at me was hard and I had to choke back a sob.
“Your sister was definitely not the first,” creepy vampire number two answered in an ominous tone. There was a slight hint of sympathy in his tone but it was almost imperceptible.
“What are your names?” I asked in response, deflecting his assumed pity. Really I was freaking out a bit that he even knew about Meira. They were locked in an underground library.
“I’m Ophir and this is Perseus,” he answered for them both. “And before you ask how we even know your names and your connections, we’ve done extensive research and while we cannot go topside, our networks connect to many above ground.”
“That’s not vague at all,” Nyx deadpanned. Perseus grinned again but didn’t bother to offer more of an explanation.
“We’re vampires. Mystery is our game,” he teased before he was more serious. “These abductions started first with the witches. They were systematically picked off like this before there was next to no one left.”
“How did we never hear of it?” Callum demanded. His voice was harsh and angry but it wasn’t directed at them and they didn’t seem to take offense.
“Your kind separated before you were born,” Ophir said solemnly. “With humans hunting witches it was safer that way. We couldn’t exactly expose ourselves to save the humans they were burning in our stead.”
“This information doesn’t even shock me. A witch would never let herself get caught or burned to death.” I shook my head and let out a dry laugh. Humans loved to either hunt the paranormal or portray us in movies, but in truth the reality is so much less exciting than they think. Or maybe as a wolf I’m just desensitized to the wonderment because last night had blown my mind and so has this archive. I was just a girl from a small pack and now I was traveling and learning more about our kind than any others in our generation.
“We came to research and ask you about any covens that remain, to get witches on our side in this fight,” Callum said before we could ask questions and detour the conversation.
“There are few and they will not be easy to confront. The witches have gone further into seclusion than we have here,” Ophir said. “Same as the more rare supernaturals. Wolves and vampires are the two who have still held strong. If not for our lack of tolerance for sunlight, I fear we’d have fallen victim too.” The sunlight had my brain going on a whole new track of thought.
“How do you get blood down here?” I asked, then winced.Smooth, Vanya. Just ask them unfiltered questions, that’ll gain you their favor.