Page 25 of Pack Evaded (Blood and Moonlight 2)
“I’m glad you made it there, even if you were a complete dick when I first got there,” I told him with a fake glare. He laughed then, the sound loud and boisterous as it cut through the night.
“I was,” he agreed. “Sometimes it takes a strong woman to slap your ass back into reality.”
“Glad to be of service.” I laughed as I started to walk away. He pulled me closer, his hands wrapping around me from behind and his chin resting on my shoulder.
“I’m glad you found us,” he admitted. “It sounds so ridiculous to say out loud, but everything has been better since we found you.”
“Oh yes—the stalking, the magic, the fighting, the death,” I deadpanned. He squeezed me tighter and bit down gently on my shoulder.
“Don’t be a smart ass, woman. I’m trying to tell you that I love you,” he growled. My face split into a grin and I bit my lips so I wouldn’t squeal at his words. We’d said it in the heat of finding each other again but hearing it outside of a desperate moment was so much more amazing.
“I love you too, big guy,” I said, twisting in his arms so I could press my lips to his. I didn’t linger and he didn’t chase the kiss as I pulled away. “We better get in there.”
He grinned at that. “I’m interested to see what drunk Vanya is like.”
“I don’t even think I know what a drunk Vanya is like,” I joked as we went for the door. Callum and Nyx were waiting just inside and handed us wristbands as we entered. I slid the neon-pink one on my wrist as we followed them farther into the club.
It looked like a typical night club. At least at first. Then when you looked closer you could see that the dancing people weren’t human at all. There were horns, fangs, even a few fox-like ears among the dancers. A light show danced ahead, beams of neon colors streaking through the smoke that hovered just over our heads.
The bar itself looked more like an apothecary. The top row of liquors reminded me of old antique spray bottles, and the colors inside were just as vivid as the lights overhead. Regular alcohol bottles lined the next two shelves and the bottom held small round bottles of the same liquids that filled the spray bottles.
“How the fuck do we even order?” Nyx asked as his gaze danced over the menu. It sounded more like a therapy session than a bar. Happiness. Euphoria. Dazed. Floating. The list continued with a mix of sensations and emotions.
“Newcomers?” the lady behind the bar asked with a grin. “I can spot your kind a mile away, you look up at my sign like it might bite you. But really the only thing that bites is me.” She winked as she slid her tongue suggestively over her protruding fangs. “Want me to pick for you?”
“Yes,” I answered for all of us. The guys let out noises of protest but I continued on before they actually could. “We need to let loose for a night. We’re fighting for our lives beyond this city, and tonight… is ours.”
The bartender’s grin lit up her gorgeous, ethereal face. Her pale skin was dusted with glitter and glowed under the neon lights. Platinum blonde hair was pulled into space buns and she had pixie-like features which was odd since she was obviously a vampire judging from the fangs. Then again, I know very little about vampires. That was enough of a reason to have my guard up but I really fucking didn’t want to. Our entire lives together have been full of either doubt or survival. This was going to be different and I didn’t give a single fuck if that made us insensitive. We needed a moment to recoup or we’d lose our fucking sanity along the way. Being with them felt like I was truly living for the first time in years. I wasn’t alone and I could rely on them to be here for me in all ways and I’d be there for them. We were a team and even in this they were looking at me for confirmation. The moment they gave in, the tension fell away and pride warmed my chest. For such strong men to give in to me, even on something as trivial as letting loose, well that was a hell of a feat.
“I know just what you need,” she promised. She stepped away and grabbed three round containers full of purple liquid. As she sat them down and cracked open the lids, they turned yellow and swirled with a strange glow. “Thirty even for the four of you.”
“Here,” Callum said as he stepped forward and slid her a fifty. “Keep the change.” Her smile brightened further and she tucked the bill straight into her bra. I was glad to say the guys didn’t even follow the action. But I was also not ashamed to say that mine did. The woman was sexy as hell and I couldn’t resist. In fact, I was a bit jealous of her figure. I had a few curves, but not quite so pronounced. She was cute, petite, and had curves for days. One wink from Nyx and a suggestive glance down my body had the comparison game fading away. I was more than enough for them and my confidence didn’t need to take a hit. It may have taken years to reach this point but I was happy with my body.
She gave me a smile before shaking the sprayer in her hand, the same yellow reaction taking over the bottle. “This is my special concoction. Euphoria and a bit of chaos. Have fun tonight my loves.”
She reached across and gave two sprays in each of our faces. I breathed in deep. The vapor smelled like sunshine and tasted like citrus. It was bright and airy, and the moment the scent faded, the reaction took place. My brain felt a bit like I was floating, a sense of peace and excitement taking over.
“Whoa,” I breathed out. She laughed as we all looked at her with wide eyes.
“Just wait,” she warned. “Bottoms up.”
We didn’t hesitate to take the offered bottles and slam down the sweet and sour concoction. The citrus surged across my tongue, the hint of sweetness keeping the tartness at bay.
My stomach tingled as the liquid settled before that sensation spread through my entire body. Sound seemed more intense and the lights more vibrant. Everything felt like… more.
The song changed and I didn’t bother to wait for the others as I went out into the crowd. There wasn’t a single memory teasing at my psyche tonight. This wasn’t the same club and I wasn’t here with her reliving it. No. I was in the moment with my men surrounding me, all four of us giving in to the amazing beat that was pulsing through the room.
Nyx stepped up behind me, one hand on my hip, the other reaching around my front and resting just on my neck. My body thrummed with excitement at the sensation as his hips rocked in sync with mine. I was hyperaware of his cock pressing into my ass as we swayed but my mind was too free to zone in on it more than that.
Leven, of all people, moved to my front, sandwiching me between them as he joined in our dance. He was surprisingly graceful for being such a brute most of the time. They shifted to the side, Nyx’s hand around my throat falling away as they made room for our alpha. Callum’s eyes were a mix of faraway and hungry as he stared me down, matching the same rhythm. For four people high as a kite, it was amazing we could keep a beat, let alone match movements with each other.
With each song that passed, the euphoria only seemed to get stronger. My thoughts were fleeting, there and tangible for a mere moment before fluttering off into the smoke above and leaving my mind blissfully blank. Though not having heavy thoughts didn’t mean I wasn’t functioning. I was in the moment in every sense of the phrase. Every movement of my body, every brush of their skin against mine, every quick kiss or sexy word hitting me hard and fast, then it was onto the next. That had to be the chaos she spoke of because it was hard to keep up but I was too blissful to mind.
Then our mood transformed from full bliss to lust. It started with a brush of Callum’s arm over my sensitive breasts, then Leven’s hand slid into the waistband of my jeans. My gasp was swallowed down by Nyx’s kiss. Soon all bets were off and all hands were on me. It seemed we weren’t the only ones either. The dance floor around us was suddenly full of a fog of carnal hunger. Naked bodies and fucking couples filled the floor. But even now I couldn’t focus on them for more than a fleeting moment. Not when Leven’s hand pushed lower, sliding my jeans and panties down my hips and leaving me naked for them. I moaned as he slipped a finger into my core, pumping it in and out. His thumb teased over my clit with each thrust of his hand and it took only a few seconds before I was crying out. As pleasure pulsed through me it seemed to build instead of ebbing away so one orgasm easily turned into two.
“Come here,” Leven growled as he easily lifted me up. There was no preamble before he was shoving his cock into my pussy. Callum stepped closer and pulled me back to rest my head on his shoulder so I was almost laid out between them. Nyx stepped in long enough to rip my shirt away. I was now fully naked and barely able to consider that I was in public.
“This is wrong,” Callum mumbled as he nuzzled his face into my neck.