Page 15 of Pack Evaded (Blood and Moonlight 2)
We didn’t shift until we’d reached our back yard. When I changed back, I was sad the ache of our time together was gone but the memory of it was enough that a small smile graced my lips.
The other guys weren’t inside, and thankfully neither was Garren. We tiptoed our way upstairs to Callum’s wing. Both of us went right for his master bathroom to share the shower. Sure, I could have showered alone, but frankly I’d had enough alone time today to last me a while.
Callum turned the water on scalding hot, the only way to truly enjoy a shower. We didn’t speak for several long moments as we soaked in the warmth of the spray.
“Turn,” I finally ordered the alpha as I grabbed his body wash. He looked amused but complied and I ran my soapy hands over his skin to clean off the small bits of forest that had followed us inside. I slipped around him, letting the water rain down on me as I ran my fingers over his chest and down over his semi-hard cock. His eyes were closed and his face almost slack as he relaxed. The fact I could give him a hint of relief was nice. He deserved it after he got me out of my self-destructive moment earlier.
When he was clean, I turned and rinsed my hands and wet my hair. That was as far as he let me get before he returned the favor. This moment was the opposite of our forest encounter. His hands were gentle and his kisses soft as he murmured sweet, comforting words to me.
“Sorry if I worried you out there,” I said softly. My hands kneaded his shoulders. He smiled down at me as water dripped over the dimple forming on his cheek. Callum was gorgeous, and in this moment, I was beyond grateful he’d found me and stubbornly brought me out of the armor I’d wrapped myself in.
“We’re all on edge, I’m just glad that you’re more relaxed now,” he admitted. “And I think we have just enough time for a power nap. You in?”
“Fuck yes, I am,” I agreed as I shut off the water and lunged for a towel. We didn’t bother with clothes as we fell into his bed. He sent a quick text to Emma before setting an alarm. I fell asleep to his hand trailing soothingly over my back.
“I love you, little wolf.”
Emma hooked her arm through mine as we stepped through the doors of the insanely large grocery store we’d found. I insisted on leaving town to do it. The last thing I would do is put Dixon in any more danger. And in a bigger city the tracker would have a hell of a time making a move.
The store Callum found was a supplier for restaurants. They had flat carts and regular ones and the aisles towered over our heads. I was a bit intimidated but Emma was grinning like it was Christmas morning.
“Grab the carts boys,” Emma commanded. She was taking pleasure in ordering our alpha around, but he was still wearing a dopey smile from our time together and wasn’t bothered in the least.
“I’ll take your orders for now, Emma, but only because you’re going to feed me,” he said as he grabbed a flat cart and followed behind her. “Waylen, Brent, go grab our necessities for me.”
“Please,” I tacked on for him. He snorted at me but the two brothers grinned down at me.
“Fine, fine. We’ll get them loaded into the cargo van then come back in to help,” Waylen agreed. We’d had to take the cargo van and Callum’s truck to fit us all and the supplies we’d be getting.
“Oh, free samples!” Emma cheered and pulled me toward a small cart. The lady behind it greeted us and gave us a well-rehearsed product speech. She did a good job because the moment I popped the chunk of pastry into my mouth, I nabbed three boxes and tossed them back to Callum who stacked them on the cart without question. “Solid reaction.” Emma’s teasing laughter had me cracking up with her. Callum had been right, I needed out of the Bluffs just as bad as she did and everything already seemed a bit more manageable from here. Though I wasn’t naive enough to let it all go completely.
“What are we here for?” I asked her. She handed over her list and I was even more lost. “These don’t go together at all?”
“No, no they don’t. Yet it’ll work.” She grinned. “Appetizer night, campfire, and I bribed Antonio with cookies to set us up a projector on the pavilion wall so we can watch a movie!”
“I like the way you think,” I conceded. She led us through each aisle like a professional. Callum played Tetris with the cart and I was the errand girl, grabbing things we forgot or fetching things she needed on the shelves. Even with the teasing and chatter, we knocked out the list in under an hour.
“Wait. Where are my brothers?” Emma asked as she glanced at her watch. “No way supplies took an hour.”
Callum pulled out his phone. His frown deepened as he listened then pulled the phone away.
“No answer on Brent’s phone,” he said. Emma abandoned the cart and ran for the entrance, dodging unsuspecting shoppers as she went.
“Stay with the cart,” Callum yelled as he ran after her. I didn’t want to stay, I wanted to be out there with my pack, especially if someone was hurt, but this time I listened. Callum would need to focus, and I knew if I was beside him during this, he wouldn’t be able to.
Every bit of relaxation was gone now, all the worry slamming into me like a fucking freight train.
A soft touch on my shoulder had me letting out an undignified shriek. I’d been so intently panicking and staring down the entrance I hadn’t heard anyone walk up behind me.
“We’re done,” Waylen announced and the sound of his voice had me recovering and tackling him in a hug. “Whoa, what’s wrong?” His nervous laughter was followed by his own fear. “Wait. Where’s Em?”
“Looking for you,” I said as I recovered. Pulling out my phone I called Callum’s number.
“Are they inside?” He didn’t bother with a greeting and he sounded so stressed it had my heart aching for him.