Page 27 of Pack Forsaken (Blood and Moonlight 1)
“Is anything wrong? The hunting party?” I asked quickly. Nyx grinned and winked at me.
“Don’t worry, tall, dark and handsome is just fine,” he joked.
“What if I prefer redheads?” I teased back, his grin only spreading at the insinuation.
“I’m staying out of this one,” Garren chuckled. “Have fun telling her.”
My eyes narrowed at Nyx and he held up his hands in defense. “Let me start by saying that I’m simply following orders.”
“Oh god,” I groaned, knowing exactly what was coming next.
“Look, Callum and Leven both agreed you needed protection in case he took their absence as an invitation and busted in somehow. I’m a failsafe and was threatened with death if I failed,” he defended dramatically. “So we’re stuck at the hip for the next twenty-four or so hours. Get ready to be sick of me.”
“I’m already sick of you,” I sighed. “Hope you like to cook, because I promised Garren some fried chicken for dinner.”
“Best. Assignment. Ever,” he cheered. “Also, I’m not sure what you’ve done to those two, but I’ve never seen so much tension. It was downright delicious.” His devious smirk had me letting out a startled laugh.
“First of all, I’m just an open person and living a string free life right now,” I clarified. “And second, aren’t they always tense? I’ve never met wolves more in need of a full moon and a bottle of whiskey.”
“You aren’t wrong.” He chuckled before rubbing his hands together conspiratorially. His lightheartedness was refreshing, and I felt myself already letting my guard down. “What’s up first?”
“It’s Emma’s birthday, so we deliver a cake,” I said. “You’re a big, strong man so you can carry the cake.” He snorted at that, knowing damn well he was half the size of the others. But I knew the lean ones held their own brand of strength.
“Dang.” He whistled as I led him inside and pointed out the cake. “A woman of many talents.”
“It’s basic, I promise.” I waved off his attention. “Let’s go hunt her down. I hope you know where she lives if she’s not at the pavilion.”
“I do,” he said as he picked it up like the cake was full of dynamite. “Lead the way.”
“A girl could get used to having an assistant,” I teased, earning a mocking glare from him, though his focus remained on the cake.
The pavilion was full of noise when we walked in, Brent and Waylen arguing over a mixer.
“What is going on in here? Where’s Emma?” I asked, glancing around.
“Uh,” Waylen said, eyes wide as if he just got caught doing something bad. “We were just uh.”
“Dude, you’re making us sound guilty as fuck,” Brent groaned, swatting his brother on the back of the head Leroy Gibbs style. “We’re making Emma a cake for a surprise dinner.”
“Uh, guess I should have checked first,” I winced, gesturing to Nyx as he set the cake on the counter.
“Oh thank fuck,” Waylen breathed. “This had disaster written all over it. We should focus on food instead.”
Brent immediately grabbed the cake mix and dumped it in the trash and threw the mixing bowl in the sink.
“And your plans for that are?” I questioned, since there was only flour, sugar, and eggs out currently. “Do you guys need help?”
“I told you we should have asked her!” Waylen accused. “Yes. Please. We do the grilling, not the cooking. But Em deserves a break.”
“Aw, how sweet,” Nyx teased.
“Why is he even here?” Brent asked, flipping him his middle finger.
“He’s my bodyguard today while the others are out in a hunting party. So, run me through it. What’s her favorite food?”
* * *
Two hourslater we had a feast prepared for Emma. Nyx had left me in Brent and Waylen’s care long enough to go grab Garren, then they were off to get Emma. Seeing her shocked and then tearing up was everything. Even Waylen and Brent seemed emotional, and it was one of those moments that I knew I’d found my place. I may have doubted it, worried over the guys, but this part of this pack—the easy community—spoke to my lonely soul in a way I knew no other packs would.