Page 30 of Stranded with my Boss for the Holidays
Chapter Thirteen
The next day was chaotic. As a high-volume day for the travel industry, the airport was packed with people trying to get home after spending the holidays with family and friends. Then, I found out that Connor wasn’t able to get us seats together on the plane.
It felt like the real world had caught up to us now and was actively trying to keep us apart. That was an insane thought, and I knew it, but I couldn’t seem to erase it from my mind.
So, I found myself stuck between an overweight man that fell asleep on the two-hour flight, snoring right into my ear the whole time, and a surly teenager that didn’t want to share the arm rest. It wasn’t nearly as pleasant as the flight to Colorado a few days ago, but at least it was brief. When we arrived at the airport, Connor got off the plane first, but waited for me at the gate.
I wished that we were back in the cabin for a moment as I approached him. There were just so many people around us, jostling me as they walked by or overwhelming in their multitude of conversations that made the two of us talking about something as heavy as the future and what role the sex we already had might play in it seem impossible.
It wasn’t the time or the place. Besides, Connor had already missed Christmas with his family and I was sure he wanted to see them. As much as I hated not knowing what would happen next between us, I told myself we could figure it all out after we reconnected with our loved ones.
“It’s been one hell of a holiday, hasn’t it?” he asked as we walked together through the airport, the nearly depleted emergency bag hanging over his shoulder.
“It certainly wasn’t how I expected to spend it,” I agreed, then held out my hand. “Why don’t you give me the duffle and I’ll restock it. I’m willing to bet that you’ll never travel without supplies again.”
“And you aren’t going to give me a hard time anymore?” he teased.
“Well, not about the bag.” I smiled and the flirty tone of my voice felt different now. Before it was more playful and light. Now, there was a sensual edge to everything.
“Don’t worry about it. I’ll restock it,” he said as we took the escalator down to the departure section. “I want you to take tomorrow off anyway.”
“I’m thinking you’ve gone above and beyond the call of duty already in the last few days,” he said, a rueful note to his voice. “We were in Colorado on business, so you’ve earned the time to relax and recuperate.”
So, our time there was nothing more than business? That was good to know. But the knowledge hurt, just the same, and I couldn’t ward off the stab of disappointment in my chest.
“I really don’t need an extra day off,” I argued, but he wasn’t listening. He’d spotted Vanessa waiting for him at the exit. She rushed forward and pulled him into a tight hug, her face lit up with happiness.
She pulled back and examined him through eyes filled with relief. “You’re a sight for sore eyes, big brother.”
“I’m fine,” he assured her, glancing over his sister’s shoulder. “But where are the munchkins?”
“At home, going crazy over the dollhouse Santa brought.”
“Lucky girls.” Connor’s smile remained in place as he turned to me. “Where can we take you today? Your apartment?”
“Don’t worry about me. I’m good,” I said, holding up my phone to show him that I’d already ordered a car from a ride-sharing app.
“Are you sure?” he asked, frowning.
I saw Vanessa’s suspicious eyes darting back and forth between the two of us. It looked like she was picking up on the fact that something had changed during our stranded time together.
“Yep,” I said, taking a step away from Connor.
I would talk to him about what happened between us and how it affected my job the next time we were alone. It certainly wasn’t going to happen under the watchful eye of his sister.
“I’ll see you at work,” I added as casually as possible, then forced myself to walk away. “Enjoy the rest of the holiday, both of you.”
I could feel his eyes burning into my back, but I didn’t turn around. It was already hard enough to leave with everything up in the air and not really knowing where things stood between us.
I slid into the Subaru that pulled to the curb to pick me up and sat quietly during the ride to my apartment. Once I was there, I quickly stripped off all my clothes and took a long, hot shower. I needed it to unwind after everything that happened, and I wasn’t talking about getting snowed in. It was about the suddenness of the rescue and the restless night in bed alone at the hotel. It was about the crowded plane ride, and saying goodbye to the man that I was crazy about and not knowing where we stood with one another. The cabin had ended up being an oasis for us, and it was the outside world that was stressing me out.
But I pushed all that aside as I stepped out of the shower and got dressed. It was time to go see Grandma.
There was no snow at all in St. Louis, and I navigated easily through the concrete jungle that made up the city. Once I arrived and was buzzed inside by the receptionist, I started to get excited to see my grandmother. She always made a huge deal about Christmas, picking up extra shifts to make sure she had the money to go a little over the top with the presents she bought for me. She always wanted me to feel spoiled one day of the year, and she did whatever she could to make it happen.