Page 12 of Stranded with my Brother's Best Friend for the Holidays
A little too much.
“Talked me into it?” I huffed out an incredulous laugh. “Is that what you call it? Talking?” She had definitely used many of her assets in her earlier full-frontal assault, but her reasoning skills weren’t one of them.
April giggled. “Close enough. Does it really matter how it happened, though? Admit it, it was a freaking amazing idea.”
On principle, I wanted to argue. Fighting was what the two of us always did, and I was embarrassed about how easily I’d given in to her provocations. But the post-coital endorphins were making my head fuzzy, and I couldn’t lie. “This may be the only time you’ll ever hear me say this, but you were right. This was an excellent way to spend an evening,” I told her.
In reality, I wasn’t at all sure that what we had done was actually a smart idea. I didn’t regret a second of it, but I had concerns about what would happen in a few days when I had to face Jeremy, or her parents. I might never be able to look them in the eye after the dirty, X-rated things that April and I had done.
That was a problem for later, though, because mostly I was feeling grateful to April. For the last two hours I hadn’t thought once about my parents, or my admittedly lonely life back home. I hadn’t been able to think about anything serious or depressing in that time because I’d been entirely consumed by April’s perfectly curvaceous body, and her delightfully naughty mouth, and the wicked things she could do with her tongue.
And if she could achieve the impossible, and keep me from slipping into that dark place this entire trip, I’d owe her. Big time. I would have felt bad for using her, except it had been entirely her idea in the first place, and she was using me just as much in return.
“Damn, I wish that I had recorded that,” April mumbled.
“Which part? Me saying that you were right, or the activities prior? Because, you know, I wouldn’t mind having a video or two to revisit someday. For…reasons,” I told her, thoughtfully.
“Okay, perv. I meant your once in a lifetime admission. Although…”
She trailed off and shot me a dirty leer and we laughed together. Probably for the first time ever, and it felt pretty damn good to share that moment.
“It will have to be later though, because you wore me out,” I told her, honestly.
The last two days had been beyond stressful, and I hadn’t slept well in the cold and uncomfortable bed the night before. Add in our highly unexpected workout tonight, and I was exhausted.
“That’s fine,” April responded with a yawn. “We can get some rest and be ready for rounds three through ten tomorrow.”
I snorted, assuming that she was joking. Although after her enthusiastic performance, I wasn’t so certain, and I was totally on board with her suggestion. Sore and getting chilled, I climbed awkwardly to my feet, grabbing my t-shirt and sweater from the armchair, and searching for my pants in the mess.
April followed moments later, standing and collecting her own limited clothing.
“I vote that we clean this up tomorrow morning,” she said, raising her arms and arching her back into a deep stretch.
My eyes followed her movements, raking over her gorgeous body as if I hadn’t seen it bare for the past few hours. As if I hadn’t touched every inch of her. Still, I had to shake off the stirring of lust, knowing that I needed sleep first. And, my dick needed some downtime to recuperate, as well.
“Agreed. So, I guess this is goodnight, then.” I didn’t wait for her response. Needing to get away from the temptation she presented, I started slowly walking towards my bedroom.
April followed me. “Do you want to…I mean, should we, uhm, sleep together?”
Her voice was filled with uncertainty. It was the first hesitation I’d seen her display since she had launched her seduction.
God, the idea of having her warm body snuggled up against mine, or spooning her so that her ass tucked up against my groin was a temptation I found hard to resist. But resist I did, because I knew it was the smart thing to do. Besides, I reminded myself that I liked to sleep alone. I rarely let women sleep over at my place. I actually couldn’t remember the last time I’d woken up next to someone, and it was more than a little unsettling that I wanted that intimacy with April.
“I don’t think so. Sex is fine, cuddling is not,” I said, setting down those rules. It would only confuse this situation further, and that was the last thing either of us needed. “We shouldn’t make this arrangement any more complicated than it needs to be.”
“Oh. Yeah, I guess you have a point.” She glanced away, but not before I caught the glimpse of what looked like disappointment in her eyes as she headed to her own room. “Goodnight, Ryan.”
We took our turns in the bathroom without running into each other. Not long after, both bedroom doors shut, and silence descended on the cabin.
As tired as I was, I couldn’t fall asleep right away. I stared up at the dark ceiling, my mind stuck on a replay of the entire evening.
April brazenly pulling off her shirt and tossing it at me, giving me that first glorious view of her perfect tits.
The moment I pulled her shorts off, leaving her spread naked beneath me, all mine for the taking.
The numerous positions we’d ended up in, all around the little living room.
And mostly, the incredible way it felt that moment I finally sank into her.