Page 90 of Kiss the Girl
“No one’s mentioned it to me. I’m already a little in love with the ones at Donovan’s Pub.”
“Oh, those were good too, but you need to go to The Sand Bar.”
She nodded. “Okay.”
“And lastly, I want you to sit on the deck of the boathouse at my grandfather’s place—the B&B that Susannah owns—and watch the fireworks. It’s a thing of beauty watching them from that spot. Sometimes I swear the old guy built the boathouse for just that purpose.”
“Um…fireworks? Fourth of July was a while ago. I don’t see how…”
His expression turned sad. “Fireworks, Savi. Stay for the fireworks.” Sighing, he closed his eyes. “I always hated it when people tried to make me promise to do something. Looking back, I realized if I had listened instead of being defiant, my life would have turned out a lot different.” Opening his eyes, he added, “So I’m asking you to do this for me. I’m asking you topromiseme that you’ll do this.”
For some reason, this meant a lot to him, so she nodded. “I promise.”
Now I need to find out when the next fireworks show is…
Cash hummed softly as his eyes drifted shut again.
Sitting quietly beside him, Savannah got comfortable and closed her own eyes. This time together, just the two of them, happened by chance. After dropping her car off with Dominic, Jackson had dropped her off at the hospital and said he’d be back after his physical therapy. Garrett needed to be at the clinic for a few hours, and Austin had texted that he and Mia had spent the night at the hospital because they thought she was in labor, but it had been a false alarm. So basically, he needed a few hours of sleep and would be up after lunch.
At first she felt bad about them all being so busy, but now she realized she’d been given a gift. So many people had been coming around that she and Cash hadn’t had any time alone together.
“Cash?” she whispered.
“I’m really going to miss you.”
Slowly, he opened his eyes. “I’m gonna miss you too.” Then, holding out his hand to her, she took it. And together they simply sat in the quiet because, in her mind, they’d just said it all.
* * *
“And then…Jacksonthrew the entire case of beer across the parking lot and we all ran!” Garrett said with a laugh, as the entire room erupted in laughter. “I swear, I don’t think I’ve ever run that fast in my life!”
“I still remember Officer Merritt standing on the front porch,” Grace said, shaking her head. “It was like he was almost sorry that he had to come and tell me what the three of you had done.”
“In my defense,” Jackson said, “I tried to get rid of the evidence. It was a solid throw.”
“Yeah, but you threw in into the parking lot instead of the field behind the store like we discussed!” Austin countered. “I knew you were too young to include in our shenanigans.”
“We just would have gotten busted sooner,” Garrett said. “He had a good throwing arm and he was faster than both of us.”
“No one was running anywhere after I got done with the three of you,” Grace said, giving all three of her sons the stink eye.
Yeah, they had gotten their asses handed to them and grounded for a week. Looking back, it was kind of hysterical because Austin was eighteen and should have been beyond the age of getting grounded, but…they never argued with their mother about it.
“God knew what he was doing when he gave you three boys, Grace,” Cash said with a light laugh. “You always knew how to keep them in line.”
“Well, not always, otherwise Officer Merritt wouldn’t have had to make so many visits to the house.”
It was late in the afternoon and it was just the five of them visiting, but Jackson knew everyone was going to be heading out soon. At this time of day, Cash usually napped so he could be awake when the next group came in for dinner.
“Okay, I’m heading out to check in with the clinic and then I’m going to pick up Emma and we’ll be back later,” Garrett said as he walked over and hugged Cash.
“No rush, Garrett,” Cash said sleepily. “I’ll be here.”
“I’m gonna go too,” Austin said. “I’m not sure if Mia’s coming back with me later. The doctor really wants her to rest.” He hugged Cash.
“Then let her rest. And if you need to stay with her, you should,” Cash told him.