Page 55 of Kiss the Girl
The sun was just startingto peek through the blinds and even though he normally woke up around this time, Jackson was perfectly content to stay exactly where he was this morning.
Savannah was sound asleep in his arms, and it was the most peaceful he’d felt in years. He’d lost count of how many times they’d reached for each other throughout the night—sometimes to make love, sometimes to talk, and sometimes a little bit of both. He was completely content and it was a new feeling for him.
His arms were around her and he could feel her breath on his chest and the only thought to cross his mind was how he could stay like this forever.
With his military career behind him, and then coming home to the drama with his father, it had been easy to simply not think about what his future looked like. Where was he going to work? What was he going to do? Where was he going to live? There were so many unanswered questions and then this woman—this incredibly vital and sexy woman—came along and Jackson knew that whatever he ultimately decided, he wanted Savannah with him.
If anyone would have told him that love at first sight was real, he would have laughed.
If anyone would have told him he’d experience it firsthand, he would have told them they were crazy.
But right now, he was a firm believer.
Their situation was unique and maybe not an actual “first sight,” but it was pretty damn close.
For years he had no one to worry about but himself, no one to care for or think about. Kissing the top of her head, he knew he worried about Savannah and there was nothing he wanted more than to be the one to take care of her. She’d experienced nothing but hardships and being left behind. He wanted to be the guy who stayed and showed her that she was that important to him.
A little voice reminded him that it wasn’t exactly that simple and some of those losses genuinely had nothing to do with her. They were just cruel twists of fate. He wanted to bring her joy, though, and show her what a life surrounded by family and friends and people who loved you could be like. He already knew how much Austin and Mia and Garrett and Emma liked her. Then there was Parker. Obviously she really liked Savannah too because she’d pretty much begged her to come work for her.
The one person he most wanted to meet her was his mother, who had been keeping her distance from this entire situation—not that he could blame her.
The last time Cash came to town, they had gotten a little close again and it ruined her relationship with Dominic Jones. It had taken a long time for the two of them to work things out and even though he understood how delicate everyone’s emotions were, he really wished his mom would come and be a part of at least one family meal or come and talk to Cash so they could say all the things that needed to be said.
Sighing, he snuggled closer to Savannah and for a moment, simply relished the feel of her. Right here like this, things were simple. He was a man who was falling pretty much head over heels for a woman, and he saw nothing but good things for them. Once he got up and opened the door to the outside world, it all went to shit.
Well…okay, maybe that was a little dramatic, but it sort of felt that way.
Outside these four walls, life was complicated and messy and depressingly emotional. He’d experienced loss in his life—both in combat and personally. But as he thought about it, he realized those deaths were sudden and unexpected. This was the first time that he knew it was coming and it was someone he loved and…
Yeah. It was someone he loved.
Their relationship may be difficult and complex, but Cash was still his father and he was dying.
Cash leaving was the norm, but this was the first time they all knew he’d never be coming back.
It was a hell of a time for that reality to slap him in the face.
Savannah let out a sleepy little hum, and it was as if she knew he needed the distraction. Pulling back just enough to see her face, he smiled. “Good morning.”
“Mmm…what time is it?” she asked before yawning.
“Almost 6:30. I wasn’t sure what time you usually got up or what time you needed to, but I was enjoying this quiet time.”
Placing a soft kiss on his chest, she tangled her legs with his and moved as close as she possibly could. “My alarm usually goes off around seven, but it takes me almost an hour to get up and moving. Then I end up running around like a crazy person trying to get ready so I can be to work on time. It’s a vicious cycle, really.”
“Well, this has gotten to be like a luxury for me. Back in the service, I was up and showered and starting the day by five a.m. I feel lazy right now, but I don’t have the will to care.”
“Good. Welcome to the dark side. We have warm comfy blankets and fluffy pillows. It’s glorious.”
Chuckling softly, he kissed her and hugged her close. “It all sounds good, but…I don’t know. I’m not used to doing nothing. By this time of day, I would have run five miles and had a shower. It feels weird to just…you know…lie here.”
“If that’s your not-so-subtle way of saying you’d like something to do, I might have a suggestion…”
“I would think that we’ve exhausted each other last night,” he said with a grin. “But never let it be said that I’m not down for a challenge.”
One soft hand smacked him right in the middle of his chest. “I was talking about you making some breakfast.”
Feeling mildly foolish, Jackson was glad her eyes were closed. “Oh, um…I guess I just thought…”