Page 51 of Kiss the Girl
“Well, you’re not. Behave yourself and don’t traumatize Amy or Austin or Mia.” And before she could second-guess herself or what she was doing, Savannah grabbed her purse and was out the door.
Last night, she and Jackson had decided that she would meet him at his place and then they’d go to dinner from there.
But that was last night.
Tonight, Savannah had a whole new plan, and it involved not going to dinner and staying in.
She thought about how Jackson might react, but she figured once his eyes bugged out in a typical cartoonish manner, he’d be on board with it. Smiling, she thought all about the things they’d done last night and her body was already humming loudly with anticipation and she refused to be ashamed about it. She was a grown woman, she’d been married, and she enjoyed sex. There was nothing wrong with acknowledging that and knowing that she didn’t require a steak dinner or a night of social pleasantries before getting what she wanted.
She wanted Jackson.
Preferably in the next few minutes.
The apartment building was small and as she parked her car, she realized just how appealing she was finding small-town living. There was less traffic and congestion and these smaller complexes just really more to her liking than the skyscraper types back home.
“No time to think about that now,” she mumbled as she climbed from the car. Right now, she was a woman on a mission.
She was slightly breathless by the time she reached the third floor and took a moment to catch her breath before knocking on the door. Her dress was the same one she’d worn the night they’d met, but it was the only one she had, and as she smoothed a hand over her hair—which she’d left long and loose—she hoped Jackson wouldn’t mind her recycling the outfit.
“I guess we’ll find out.” Lifting her hand, she was about to knock when he opened the door.
“Hey,” he said with a smile. “You look beautiful.”
“So I was thinking maybe trying that seafood place down on…”
Savannah reached out and put her hand on his chest before giving him a playful shove back into the apartment.
“Savannah, what…?”
She kicked the door closed behind her and advanced on him. “Let me ask you something. Do you really want to go out to eat?”
Fortunately, he seemed to instantly understand what she was asking. “Not particularly.”
“Good.” With a quick look to her right, she tossed her purse on the entry table and moved in close. “Kiss me.”
“Believe me,” he growled as his arm banded around her waist. “I plan on it.”
It was madness after that.
Part of her feared she was being far too aggressive, but if anything, her enthusiasm seemed to spur Jackson on. He scooped her up in his arms and strode through the apartment. She was so busy kissing him that she wasn’t paying the least bit of attention to where they were going, but when her back hit the mattress, she knew.
She scooted up to get her head at least near a pillow and Jackson followed her and then settled himself on top and she almost cried out at how good he felt. The weight of his muscular body on hers was exactly what she needed and as her limbs wrapped around him, it felt like the most natural thing in the world to be here with him like this.
She knew they had all night, but she was near frantic for his hands on her bare skin, to feel him move against her in the most primitive and primal of ways. For a little while, Savannah didn’t want to think; she only wanted to feel.
Cupping his face, she broke the kiss and she saw the dazed look on his face.
“What?” he asked. “Am I going too fast? I just thought…”
Placing a finger over his lips, she shook her head. “Not fast enough,” she said breathlessly.
“Savannah, I…I just thought…”