Page 48 of Kiss the Girl
After that, Jackson wasn’t sure which of them ate faster, but as soon as they finished and the dishes were put in the dishwasher, he cupped her face in his hands and kissed her with every ounce of pent-up passion from the last week.
And Savannah gave as good as she got.
It was an awkward dance getting from the kitchen to the living room and there were a lot of giggles and shushing as they banged into furniture in their haste to get to the sofa, but once they were there, it was totally worth it.
It wasn’t a particularly long couch, but that just meant that they had to get closer together.
And they did.
The kiss was wild and untamed, and they were a tangle of limbs. There was no easing into anything; it was like they went from zero to sixty in the blink of an eye and then were determined to hang on to each other for dear life.
Her nails raked through his hair, his hands skimmed up the smooth length of her leg and as he settled himself more securely between her thighs, he silently cursed the fact that they truly weren’t alone. There wasn’t a doubt in his mind that if they were, they’d be tearing each other’s clothes by now.
And it would have been freaking perfect.
But at some point, his shirt was off and Savannah’s hands were all over his chest and arms and he swore he was harder than he’d ever been in his damn life.
“I’ve been thinking about this since we danced,” she panted against his throat before giving him a tiny bite. “And then that day on the beach? I wanted to do this.” Wiggling beneath him, she maneuvered herself until she was kissing his chest and her lips and tongue were like a bit of heaven to him.
In a move he couldn’t believe he pulled off, Jackson was able to switch their positions so that she was the one on top and she let out a husky laugh before she went right back to giving all her attention to his chest. His hand fisted in her hair—pulling the clip out that was holding it all up—and as those silky tresses spilled over his hand, he looked down and the first thing that came to mind was that she was like a sexy goddess.
His sexy goddess.
How was it even possible? They’d known each other for less than two weeks and had only spent a small amount of time together and yet he craved her like he craved air and wanted her more than his next breath.
But instead of making him panic, it felt…right.
This woman—this incredibly brave and caring and sexy woman—was here for a reason.
And not the stark and depressing one they’ve all been focused on.
This. This right here made him feel like the universe brought her here to him.
Oh, God…where did that thought even come from?
But before he could examine it, Savannah was working her way back up his body, raining hot and wet kisses along his jaw and giving those little bites that he was really enjoying.
He could think about whatever he wanted later. Right now, he was going to focus on the woman in his arms.
* * *
It was wellafter two in the morning and Jackson had kissed Savannah goodnight less than thirty minutes ago and he already missed her.
And not just because he hadn’t been this sexually frustrated in a really long time, but because it was her.
Sure, they’d spent hours kissing and touching and talking about all the dirty things they would do if they were someplace else, but then they just talked about…everything. He learned a little more about her childhood and what it was like growing up in Seattle. She was curious about his life as a Marine, as well as what it was like to grow up in a small town like Magnolia Sound. All the personal stuff they had avoided that night at Donovan’s Pub, they actually embraced this time.
In between rounds of kissing and touching and…
He groaned because he wanted more of that.
So much more of that.
Crawling into bed, he pulled the sheet up to his waist and sighed. As much as it sucked being alone right now, he managed to find a teeny-tiny silver lining.
This apartment.
If he wasn’t staying at Liam’s place, he’d be sleeping in his childhood room in his mother’s house. There was privacy here and tomorrow night when he took Savannah out on a proper date, they were coming back here. If everything worked out the way he hoped, Amy would stay with Cash tomorrow night or maybe even one of his brothers.