Page 109 of Kiss the Girl
“That’s the Mystic Magnolia. It used to be a real dive bar and a bit of an eyesore, but my great-grandfather owned it and left it to my cousin Mason.” He chuckled. “It was a bit of a shit-show for a while, but Mason stepped in and helped the guy who ran it—and who was the original owner—get it back in shape with the help of my cousin Peyton. Now, it’s one of the best places to eat in town.”
“That’s awesome! And it’s practically right across from Dominic’s shop. That’s certainly convenient.”
“Definitely. It’s crazy how we’re all connected around here.”
“In what way?”
“Okay, so…the guy running The Mystic Magnolia is Scarlett’s grandfather.”
“Wait…Mason’s wife?”
“Yeah. And when this was all going down, she and Mason had just started dating and she did not like the idea of him taking over the restaurant from her grandfather.”
“I can only imagine!” She’d met Scarlett a handful of times and she was a real no-nonsense kind of woman. There wasn’t a doubt in her mind that she put Mason in his place. “But it obviously worked out since they’re happily married and have…three kids? Did I get that right?”
“Yup. Three. They just had their third kid a month ago. The other two are little hellions and I love it!” he said, laughing. “Growing up, Mason was the golden child, and we all kind of hated him because of it. It’s been kind of amusing watching him trying to keep up with his kids.”
“Jackson, that’s not nice.”
“Oh, believe me, it is, and I’m not the only one in the family who feels that way.” They drove a little further down the road before he pointed out a few other places. “That’s The Sand Bar. It’s the Magnolia Sound version of Donovan’s Pub. I love them both, but I still think The Sand Bar’s burgers are superior.”
“Cash told me I needed to go there sometime.”
“Then we will.” He paused. “And that shop over there on the corner?”
“Shore Décor?”
He nodded. “My cousin Mallory owns it. Our great-grandfather left it to her and she’s really made it into something great. She’s married to Jake Summerford—who grew up living next door to our great-grandfather.”
“Right. I talked to her a little at Garrett and Emma’s wedding. They also have three kids, right?”
“Trust me, that seems to be the magic number in this family.” Then he winked at her. “Just saying.”
Three kids. Savannah had given up a long time ago on thinking she’d ever have a family of her own, but…now suddenly, it seemed possible.
Especially if Jackson got his way.
Still, she just needed to get through today and let life settle in a bit before she even started to let herself think along those lines.
“It’s so nice that Susannah is hosting this today,” she said to take the subject off of all the kids his cousins have.
“The house is really the center of our lives. Every major occasion was there and it’s so cool that she was able to do so much with it and yet keep it the same and a place we can all come back to. Did you know that’s how she met Colton? He was the foreman on the construction crew who did the renovations.”
“Aww…how sweet!”
“Yeah, Colt’s a great guy. Seriously, one of the best and he’s been so good for her and a great stepfather to Sam and Mallory. Their dad sort of pulled a Cash when they were younger, but they never really saw him again. Last I heard, he moved out west somewhere and started another family.”
“I know it sounds crazy, but…at least Cash showed up occasionally. Sam and Mallory just never had him in their lives since they were like ten years old or something.”
“That’s just sad. Does Colton have any kids?”
“Nope. But he’s an incredible grandfather to Mal and Sam’s kids.”
“I don’t think I met Sam. Did I?”
“Um…maybe? He’s the one who does all the landscaping. Our great-grandfather left him that business and I swear Sam’s the only one in the family to get Pops’ green thumb. Everything in the yard at the big house Pops planted and Sam maintains and enhances. He’s seriously got a gift.”