Page 8 of Claiming His Bride
“You want to marry me?” I stare into his handsome face, not really understanding. “And if I do, you’ll give me your house?” I repeat just to make sure I have it right. I mean, I haven’t taken the pain meds today so I’m not hallucinating. All of this sounds too good to be true. It’s a win-win for me. It’s not much of a deal for him, though. I don’t understand what he’s going to get out of this.
“If we’re married, what's mine is yours.” He gives me one of those half-smiles of his I’ve grown addicted to. It turns him from handsome to sexy. It should be illegal for him to be so good-looking.
“I’m having a hard time following, I guess. Why? What do you get out of this deal?” I’m trying to find the catch here.
I didn’t think Mikael looked at me that way. I know I’m supposed to be on bed rest, but there might have been a few times I let his shirt ride up a bit on my thighs to see if he would take a peek. I’d even brushed myself up against him whenever I could. But he always quickly retreats. It’s shameless, I know, but the crush I have on him only grows by the second. He’s my white knight. He saved me and then nursed me back to health.
I know I’m in his bedroom. That’s where he brought me that first night. It’s where I’ve stayed, and I’m pretty sure he’s been slipping into bed each night but staying on his own side. I’m sure he’s been looking over me, but I keep waiting for him to say it’s time for me to move to another room.
“You’re a very beautiful woman, Aurora. You have to know that.” I try to hold his gaze, but I can’t. Heat blooms throughout my body, and I know I’m blushing. Honestly, I’ve always thought I was a bit plain. It didn’t help that my stepmother had her fair share of comments about my looks over the years either. None of which were ever good. They were actually the complete opposite of complimentary.
“I could stand to lose a few pounds.” That was one of the things my stepmother harped on the most when it came to my looks.
“You’ll do no such thing.” His voice almost sounds like a growl. He takes a deep, long breath before he speaks again. Something I’ve noticed him do before. “Did someone tell you that?”
“My stepmother had her fair share of things to say.” I shrug.
“The one who tried to sell you off to a man in his fifties?”
“Maybe she didn’t think I could get anything better.”
“What I think is she’s greedy and, more than anything, jealous.”
“She’s not a very kind person. After my dad passed, her true colors really came out. Everything was about finding a wealthy man to marry after that. She didn’t love my father, I don’t think.” I don’t know why that always drove me nuts more than anything when it came to her, but it did. That she faked her love to him. It’s so cruel.
“It doesn’t sound like she loves anyone. Not even herself.” I nod in agreement. We’ve gotten way off-topic here.
“I still don’t know why you want to marry me.”
“There are a lot of reasons. Obviously, I want you.” I don’t know if he hid it before, but for the first time, I see hunger in his gaze as his eyes rake over me. “It will also help me protect you from Edward. If you’re already married, there isn’t really anything he can do.” I don’t like the second reason as much as the first, but I’ll take it.
“I suppose that’s true.” I toy with the hem of the shirt I am wearing, taking in everything he’s saying. I want to jump at the opportunity he’s giving me. But my dad always told me if something sounds too good to be true, it is. “When would you want to get married?”
“As soon as possible.”
“Oh.” I lick my suddenly dry lips as I think about all the things that come with marriage. “What kind of marriage would we have?” I’m totally beating around the bush and really want to know if we will be consummating this marriage. The thought of being Mikael’s in every way has me squeezing my thighs together.
“I told you that I want you very much, Aurora, but I won’t force myself on you. We’ll get married, and the rest will come in time, but I would like others to think we have a full marriage, so you’d stay in my room—which you already have been.”
“Will you be faithful?” His brows lift like my question surprises him. I’m not sure if his reaction is good or bad. A knot forms in my belly waiting for him to reply.