Page 4 of Forbidden Bride
It is perfect, but not for the reason that Bruce thinks it is. He’s unwittingly handed me absolutely everything that I want. And yeah, that job seems totally up my alley. Marketing is my field, and with a product like ice cream, there’s almost an infinite number of things that you can do. Plus, they’re all fun. “Jesus, Bruce,” I say. “Thank you.”
He waves a hand. “Don’t even mention it. Show up at the place tomorrow and we’ll get things squared away. Now tell me what the hell you’ve been doing and why I shouldn’t call the guys to kick your ass for disappearing on us for no reason?”
I put on a smile and laugh. “I had my reasons, Bruce.”
“Sure you did.” He rolls his eyes. “Start at the beginning, please.”
Taking a deep breath, I put the instinct that only wants to think of Nicola aside. That can come later. Instead I focus on telling Bruce what I can, without telling him too much.
I add another drop of basil into the custard sample and taste it. Dammit, it’s still not right. When I thought of the orange-basil combination, I didn’t think that the balance would be so delicate. But getting the right strength of citrus with the aromatic punch of basil without creating any weird after-taste has been tricky. I’ll get it though. I always do.
Every time I run into a snag I make a point of reminding myself that I love this job. I do. Never in my life did I think my dad would let me mess with Thompson’s ice cream, but so far, it’s turned out better than I ever could have imagined.
Granted, I spend more of my time than I’d like running focus groups to test the flavors, but that’s the price I have to pay. If I had my way, I’d lock myself up in this lab for hours and just create all the flavors that pop into my head, no matter how random.
But I have one of those focus groups right now. It’s not going to go well. Because if I can tell that the flavor isn’t right, the people that we’re asking to test it aren’t going to like it. But I add the variation to the computer so it can create the samples for our group. Hopefully I’ll be able to nail down this formula in the next couple of days, and the next focus group that we have will give us a thumbs up. I don’t like to get stuck on something for as long as I’ve been stuck on this.
I can feel this one though—whenever I have a winning flavor on my hands, I get this sense in my gut that it’s going to be popular. This flavor gives me that feeling. The formula is so close that I can almost taste it.
Except for not literally, because I still haven’t gotten it right. Fuck.
I hang my lab coat on the rack and straighten the dress I’ve put on for the group today. One benefit of being the flavor creator here is that I can wear whatever I like. I don’t have to wear a uniform or any kind of business attire. So I get to be me. Which most often is pretty and feminine. Flowing with bright colors and clean, clear lines. Even if it is January and not really the kind of weather for what I’m wearing, I need a little taste of summer in my life.
Today I’m wearing a blue maxi dress that’s always made me feel whimsical. It helps my mood, and I’ve found that leaning into the mystery and glamor of being a ‘flavor creator’ when I do the focus groups helps. For some reason being the quirky and mysterious woman who invents ice cream flavors makes our participants more willing to help.
Jill falls into step beside me as I walk toward the focus group suite. “I found one.”
“You found what?” I’m going to play dumb with my best friend in the world because I’m trying to discourage her from finding anymore ‘ones.’ No matter how many times I tell her that I’m not interested, she doesn’t seem to take the hint.
“I found you a date for the Valentine’s Gala, and he’s literally perfect.”
I roll my eyes. “How many times have I told you that I don’t want a date for the gala? That I don’t want a date at all?”
“I’m trying to get you laid, girl,” she says looping her arm through mine and walking with me. “It’s about damn time.”
I laugh. “I’m fine, I promise.”
“Your vibrator must get a workout,” she grumbles.
She doesn’t need to know how true that is. It’s my best friend in the evenings, as I fantasize about the one man that I’ve always wanted but won’t ever be able to have. But I made a decision a long time ago, that he was the only man for me, and even if he’s not in the picture right now, I haven’t ever changed my mind.