Page 86 of First (Betrothed 5)
He stood near the roaring fire. “You have to.”
“I don’t have to do anything, asshole.” I poured myself another drink.
“Damien.” His voice turned cold.
I shook my head.
“You know he’s an important client—”
“He’s your important client.”
“Damien,” he repeated. “We know how this is going to end, so don’t make it difficult. Waste of time.”
I shook my head and dragged my hand over my eyes, so frustrated I could explode.
“I know this is hard, but you have to go.”
I grabbed the glass and took a drink. “I shouldn’t have to watch her marry that jackass.”
“I know,” he said gently. “But that’s how it has to be.”
“If he knew I’d fucked her, he wouldn’t want me there.”
“Or maybe he’d want you there more.”
I gave him a glare.
“Damien, you had your chance—twice. You said no. Be a man and move on.”
“Just because I don’t want to be with her doesn’t mean I want to watch her be with someone else, especially a jerk who cheated on her.”
“Damien.” He spoke to me like a child. “I got here early because I knew you’d be like this. You have an hour to shower and get ready. Don’t make me rip off your sweatpants and throw you in the shower—because I will.”
I groaned.
“Liam is going to make us a lot of money very soon. This is important to me—so I’m asking you to do this for me.”
I groaned again. “You can’t do that—”
“I just did.” He flashed me his irritated look. “Now, get your ass up.”
The ceremony was in an old cathedral.
Interesting choice since Liam had killed people with his bare fists…
I sat beside Hades on the wooden bench, sitting on Liam’s side even though I had no affinity for the man. There weren’t very many people, maybe a couple dozen. Everyone there knew why they got divorced, so I was surprised they were so supportive of this.
Annabella deserved better.
How hard was it not to cheat on your wife? Just don’t fucking do it.
And why the fuck would you cheat on a woman like Annabella?
I sighed in my seat and glanced at my watch, wanting this nightmare to end.
Hades didn’t say anything. Sometimes he gave me glances to make sure I wouldn’t explode where I sat.
Then the music began.
Unlike a traditional ceremony, there were no bridesmaids or flower girls. Liam walked down the aisle in his suit, bulky and massive as he headed to the place where he would wait for this bride. He turned around and brought his hands together at his waist and waited.
Hatred exploded inside me as I stared at him, as I saw the genuine affection in his eyes, the excitement that Annabella was his once more. Maybe things would be different this time around, maybe that was just a one-time mistake. It seemed like he loved her…really loved her.
And then she came.
Fucking angel without wings.
In a long-sleeved wedding gown made of lace, she glided across the stone floor carrying a beautiful bouquet. Pops of color—pink, white, and green—were in her hands, the colors complementing the simple pink ribbon tied around her small waist. Her eyes were straight ahead, looking at the man who couldn’t wait for her to reach him.
For an instant, I wasn’t sick. I was peace…in awe of her heavenly glow. Her brown hair was scattered around her shoulders, and she’d chosen to go light on the makeup, letting her natural beauty fill that cathedral to the very top. With her rosy cheeks, painted lips, and gorgeous eyes…she really was the most beautiful woman in the world.
And I watched her go.
She passed me without knowing I was there, and that was when the nausea returned.
The sadness. The despair. The regret.
I’d made my choice, and I stood by it. There was no other possible outcome, so there was no past to rewrite. I was where I was supposed to be…as was she. But that didn’t make this pill easier to swallow, didn’t make me less angry.
But I couldn’t stand there and watch.
I shifted down the row of people, disturbing their view for a moment before I finally made it to the aisle. The music still played over the speakers as the ceremony continued. I made it to the main doors just when the music cut off and the priest began to speak. “We’re gathered here to—”
I walked outside into the cold winter air, the intense sunshine, and moved to the balcony that overlooked the street. My hands gripped the rail like an old man gripped a walker. I wasn’t the strong man who could be bled dry and still fight. Now I was reduced to a weak, skeletal frame, a dead person without a beating heart—because it had been ripped out of my chest.
A hand touched my shoulder, strong fingers squeezing into the crispness of my suit.
I knew who it was without looking.