Page 44 of Buck (Gems of Wolfe Island Four)
“Do you hear me arguing?”
“What can we do about it?”
“I’m looking into it. But I can’t make any promises. My new life—my life with Katelyn—means everything to me.”
I say nothing. I understand. My life with Aspen means everything to me too. Of course I’m not under the pressure of an immunity deal.
Still, I am an honorable man. A Navy SEAL. I can’t do what I want to do here.
Damn, damn, damn.
“All right, on another subject then.”
“What?” Luke asks.
“Aspen wants to talk to Greg Wallace.”
Luke’s eyebrows rise. “What the hell for?”
“She wants more information about how she ended up on that island.”
“I think it’s pretty clear by now. Nancy and Taylor orchestrated it. Taylor went to her uncle, her uncle was familiar with the island, and that gave them a chance to get rid of Aspen. Taylor’s father found out and disowned her. She’s lucky that’s all he did.”
“Right. But Aspen’s not satisfied yet.”
“You mean her need for revenge isn’t satisfied.”
“Honestly, I’m not sure if that’s what it is anymore. I think she just wants answers. She deserves that much, Luke.”
“It’s Luke now?”
“Look. You and I are never going to like each other. That is just a fact.”
“You’re wrong about that, Moreno. I do like you. I like you because of what you did for Katelyn. She may not have survived that mess without you.”
“I’m not so sure that’s true. Katelyn has an inner strength that isn’t always visible on the outside.”
“Yeah,” Luke says. “You’re right about that. She’s an amazing woman.”
“So is Aspen. And I want her to have closure. Even though I don’t fucking believe in closure.”
“Are you sure she’s up for it? To see this person?”
“No. But she’s strong. She’s as strong as anyone I’ve ever known.”
“Wallace is a psychopath.”
“A psychopath on steroids,” I agree. “And I’ll be with her. You can count on that.”
“All right,” Luke says. “I have connections. I can get the two of you a visit with Greg Wallace.”
“How soon?”
“Probably within a day or two. But only if you’re sure.”
Hell no, I’m not sure. I think this may be a mistake. But I’d do just about anything for Aspen.
“I’m sure,” I say.
“We’re going to have a fun day,” Katelyn says the next day at breakfast.
Aspen and I meet each other’s gaze. A fun day? With everything else that’s going on?
“Yeah,” Katelyn says. “I can tell by the looks on your faces that you’re just as excited about it as I am.”
“I’m serious. I already told Luke this morning. We’re going to go to the beach.”
“Katelyn,” Aspen says, “the beach is in your backyard.”
“Right. Except we’re going to go to a public beach.”
I cock my head. “Why would we go to a public beach when you’ve got a private beach right here?”
Katelyn huffs. “Because we need a day off from this, damn it. We need a day where we can just”—she sighs—“be.”
I can’t agree with her more, to be honest. For Aspen, that is. She needs to relax. I had hoped her need for answers would be sated when she found out the truth.
It’s not.
Now she wants to talk to Greg Wallace, which Luke said he would set up. I almost hoped he’d say he couldn’t do it. But he understands Aspen’s need for knowledge.
I do too. I just love her so much and I want her out of danger. And that includes mental and emotional danger as well.
“We’ll take the dogs,” Katelyn says.
“The dogs?” I raise my eyebrows.
“Yes, of course. There are dog-friendly beaches here in LA. We’re going to go to one. We’re going to lie on beach towels instead of lounge chairs, and we’re going to have a simple day of relaxation. Like normal people.”
“All right.” Aspen rises, takes the last drink of her coffee, and sets the mug down. “Katelyn, if this is important to you, let’s go to the freaking beach.”
“Good.” Katelyn nods. “I took the liberty of having several bathing suits sent over. You can choose the one you like best.” She turns to me. “You too, Buck.”
“As long as they’re not Speedos.”
Aspen gushes. “Seriously, Buck? You’d look amazing in a Speedo.”
“Yeah. Not happening. I’m also not shaving all the hair off my body and oiling up.”
“God, no,” Aspen says. “No shaving. I love your chest hair.”
“I didn’t order Speedos,” Katelyn says. “Luke hates them. I ordered several pairs of trunks, in your size. They’re in your room.”
Luke is nowhere around.
“Are you sure Luke’s okay with this?” I ask. “I notice he’s not here.”
“He had a few phone calls he had to make this morning, but he will be out in a moment. He promised to come along.”
Aspen’s features have softened a bit. Perhaps this is exactly what she needs. A day of leisure at the beach. At a regular old beach, the kind of beaches she and I are used to. A place where only a towel separates us from the sand of the earth.