Page 80 of Lesser Evil (Lesser 1)
“I have more to say, but what’s the point when you don’t care that you hurt me? When I never meant anything to you anyway…” I wanted to slap him until his face was beet red, scream at the top of my lungs as I cried a river of tears, but it was all pointless when he didn’t give a shit.
“That’s not true.” His eyes lifted once again. “Let’s go back to my yacht so we can talk.”
“Talk about what?” I asked in a monotone because I was dead inside.
“I have a lot to say, but this isn’t the place to say any of it.” He nodded for me to follow him to the other side of the boat. Parked right beside the yacht was his own. He must have called for it when he spotted me with Grave. We crossed over and got onto the deck, and then the yacht immediately pulled away.
I knew Grave would get back on board because the ship wasn’t moving. I needed to grab my things from the house anyway. All my clothes, my entire life. The ocean air moved through my hair and loosened the curls that were so tight just a couple hours ago. The night had been full of magic and excitement just an hour ago, and now it was a fucking horror movie.
He stood in front of me and yanked his tie loose because any extra moment wearing it was unbearable. He ran his fingers through his short hair too, acting distressed when I was the one who had just lost everything.
“I thought Grave was bad…but you’re just evil.”
His eyes met mine, shattered like broken glass.
“I feel…so fucking stupid.” It was there, just beneath the surface, the heavy tears that wanted to come free. But I wouldn’t look weak in front of this asshole. I couldn’t let him see the hole he’d dug with his spade. “You don’t want me. You don’t care about me. My only value is your brother’s pain. The second he stops caring, I’m out on the street. So that was your plan all along? To make me fall in love with you to torture your brother? Everything you said was just a bunch of bullshit? None of it was real? What kind of sick fuck does that? Having me wasn’t enough? I had to be a victim in your revenge scheme too?”
He was quiet for a long time, as if he had no defense. “We made a deal when you came here. You do what I want, and I keep you safe from Grave. That was the only promise we made to each other. I didn’t make you feel anything for me. That was all you.”
“Wow. So this is all my fault? Don’t fucking gaslight me. I remember what you said in the pool and at dinner. I remember everything you’ve said to me. Everything.”
He took a step forward. “And I meant everything I said to you.”
“I did.”
“How could you mean any of that and then send him something so private?”
He looked away for a second. “Because it’s nothing he hasn’t already seen before—”
“Fuck. Off.”
“I let my obsession get the best of me, and I fully admit that—”
“Good. Otherwise, I was about to call you a psychopath.”
“But that doesn’t mean I didn’t feel everything I said I felt. They’re two separate things.”
“You’re saying you cared about me?” My arms crossed over my chest.
“So do you treat everyone you care about like complete garbage?”
He gave a quiet sigh.
The boat approached the harbor at Cap-Ferrat. The dock came closer, and the lights from the city were visible. Thank fucking god we were about to get off this goddamn boat. I would never have to set foot on it again. “I want to get my stuff and leave. And I never want to see you again.”
When we were in the house, I took the stairs two at a time and entered my bedroom. My bathroom was covered with all my supplies, and the closet and dresser were full of my things. Unceremoniously, I shoved everything into suitcases just to get the hell out of there as fast as I could.
Cauldron stood in the doorway.
He remained still.
“Move your ass.”
His jacket was gone now, and he stood in just his collared shirt. His hands slid into his pockets as he leaned against the doorframe. “You’re not leaving.”
“Bitch, what did you say?”
He gave me a hard stare. “You heard me.”
I let go of the suitcase and marched up to him. “Maybe your brother won’t kill you, but I won’t hesitate. Get the fuck out of my way.”
He continued to stand there. “Going back to Grave isn’t the answer—”
“Where I go and who I fuck is none of your concern, Cauldron. Not anymore.” I shoved him hard in the chest.
He hardly moved, but his reaction was quick. Like a viper, he snatched my forearm and twisted it down so I couldn’t use it. He backed me into the opposite wall and kept me there with his other arm. “Listen.” He blocked my knee with his own and kept me in place. “I’m sorry that I hurt you. I admit my plan was shortsighted, and I didn’t think too far ahead. I didn’t think about the consequences of my actions. I didn’t think how they would affect you or us. All I thought about was making that motherfucker suffer the only way I knew how. My focus was solely on Grave, when it should have been on you, and I’m sorry for that.” His dark eyes shifted back and forth as they looked into mine, piercing my exterior for feelings underneath. “The video and the notes…that was fucked up. I won’t apologize for it because that betrayal is beyond apology. I’m sorry you were a pawn in a game you didn’t know you were playing. You came here and needed protection from him, so I thought everything was fair game.”