Page 77 of Lesser Evil (Lesser 1)
My arm circled her waist. “This is my woman, Camille.”
She flinched in my embrace. I could feel it in the way her body tightened. “Camille, this is my cousin Laurent and his date for the evening.” Didn’t remember her name and didn’t pretend otherwise.
Laurent shook her hand before he introduced his date again.
“It’s lovely to meet you,” Camille said politely. “Cauldron didn’t mention he had a cousin.”
“On my mother’s side,” I explained.
“My mother and his mother were sisters,” Laurent explained. “God rest their souls.”
“I’m sorry that you lost your mother,” she said. “I’ve lost mine too.”
Laurent gave a nod before he accepted the champagne from the waiter. “We can be sad later. Tonight, we party.”
The four of us sat together at the front of the ship, in the half-dome couch with the large table in front. It was laden with appetizers and bottles of booze. My arm around Camille’s shoulders, Laurent and I talked shit back and forth and made a few jokes at each other’s expense. Sometimes Laurent would end up with a tongue in his throat, and he could never say no to that.
Camille’s hand was on my thigh, as close as she could be to my crotch without actually touching my dick. “My woman?”
I tilted my head back as I finished off the scotch in my glass. “Do you prefer to be introduced differently?” I set the empty glass on the table and relaxed back in the chair, my arm draped over her shoulders.
She didn’t outright smile, but the brightness in her eyes was undeniable. “It’s perfect.” She snuggled closer to me before her small palm cupped my cheek. She turned me into her, giving me the kind of kiss that only happened in private. Her hand gripped my thigh tighter before roaming closer to my crotch so her palm could pet my dick. There was tongue, hot breaths, passion that you couldn’t pay for.
“Mr. Beaufort, we’ll reach Monaco in five minutes.”
Camille pulled away and retracted her hand.
I was a bit annoyed with the interruption, but I did ask him to let me know when we were close. “Thanks, James.”
She had a bit of redness in her cheeks due to her embarrassment. It was a quality I liked about her, that a woman who had sex for money could be embarrassed about anything. “I’m going to freshen up before we get there. Be right back.” She walked around the couch then headed to her quarters.
What’s-Her-Name did the same.
I watched Camille walk away, those sexy hips swaying in her tight dress. Her ass looked like a nectarine in that sheer material. It was going to drive Grave fucking crazy tonight.
Laurent poured himself another glass. “Got her wrapped around your finger, don’t you?”
My eyes shifted to his. My only answer was a slight grin.
“She seems like a nice girl. You don’t feel bad about what you’re doing?”
“What am I doing?”
“Using her to fuck with Grave.”
“She’s the one who came to me, remember?”
“But you’re the one who made her fall head over heels.”
My arms relaxed over the back of the couch. “I didn’t make her do anything. Her feelings are her own.”
“And you don’t feel the same way?”
“Did I say I didn’t?”
“Well, do you?”
I never answered.
“I think Grave is a piece of shit too, but the girl is innocent in all this.”
“She came to me and needed help. We made a deal.”
“Is it really a deal if she doesn’t know her end of it?”
My eyes narrowed on his face. “Why don’t you get the fuck out of my business?”
He raised both hands in a gesture of surrender. “Alright, alright. Sorry.”
I looked away.
“It’s just… It seems like she really cares for you. Can’t say that about most women, right?”
I looked back at him again.
“Just don’t want you to sabotage your own happiness, you know? You tend to do that.”
“Are we done here?”
“Fine. Won’t say another word.”
We sat in silence, the yacht approaching the lights of Monaco.
“So, I’m guessing Grave is gonna be here?” Laurent asked.
“I know you guys won’t kill each other because it’s complicated and whatnot, but I think you’d both be better off if one of you were dead.” He shook the ice in his glass before he took another drink. “That way, you could finally move on.”
It was a big yacht, so it was a big party.
Five levels high and double the size of Cauldron’s, it was the kind of ship that you could call home. No need to have a residence on land when you had a mansion on the water. There were hundreds of people there. Maybe even thousands. It was hard to tell when there were so many places to go.
Cauldron kept his arm around my waist and introduced me to rich people I didn’t know. Grave used to do the same thing, and sometimes, I came across people I recognized. They recognized me too, but no one acknowledged the awkwardness.