Page 68 of Lesser Evil (Lesser 1)
When I approached the table, Hugo pulled out the chair for me then scooted it in as I sat down.
Cauldron’s conversation was clearly dire, given the look on his face. “That was fast.” He listened, a man’s voice somewhat audible over the line. He talked quickly, as if afraid he was wasting Cauldron’s time. “I’ll leave this afternoon.” He hung up like that was an appropriate way to end the conversation.
“Leave for where?”
He set the linen napkin across his lap then leaned forward with his arms on the table. “Botswana.”
“But you were just there.”
“It is what it is.” He cut into his food and ate, his expression dark with irritation.
“I’m coming with you?”
“Not this time.”
“But—what about Grave?”
“Trust me, you’re staying here.”
“I don’t understand—”
“I’m not an idiot.” He lifted his chin and looked straight at me. “He knows the mines require my attention, and he knows you accompany me wherever I go, so once I arrive, he’ll hit the house there and try to take you.”
“How does he know about your mines? Does this have something to do with last night?”
“It’s a small world, Camille.” He cut into his food and took a few bites. “Of course it does.”
“You think it’s safe to leave me behind?”
“I know how his mind works.”
It made me uneasy to know he would be in another country, but I trusted his judgment at this point. “Be careful.”
He ignored what I said and kept eating.
“Your bed is really comfortable…”
“It’s the same as yours.”
“It doesn’t feel the same.” It was soft and warm, the best night of sleep I’d ever had. Or maybe it was just the man beside me who made me feel that way. “How long will you be gone?”
“Depends. But not more than a few days.”
“What’s happened to your mines?”
“An asshole is drilling into my mines and taking what belongs to me. Now he’s collapsed my existing mines. Time and resources wasted. A lot of men will die for this.”
“It’s Grave, isn’t it?”
His face remained stoic.
“Because you won’t give me up.”
He never answered, and I knew he never would.
I watched him pack his suitcase.
“It’ll be dark by the time you get there. Can you wait until morning?”
He zipped up the suitcase then set it on the floor. “Why should I wait?” He faced me, wearing dark jeans and a sports coat. He was back to business, making money and killing the men who crossed him.
“The longer you stay, the longer I don’t have to say goodbye.”
The stare he gave me was hollow, his feelings so deep down they were invisible at the surface. His look continued for seconds. “I guess I can wait.”
It only bought me time, but it was still elating. The smile that lifted my lips lifted my heart too. “Thank you.” I moved into his body and felt my hands grip his arms. “Maybe I can cook for you.”
“What’s on the menu?” His arms circled my waist.
“Peanut butter and jelly.” I grinned.
He grinned back—and he’d never looked so handsome.
He lay beside me in bed, his chest shiny with sweat after our rendezvous. Dinner was in our bellies, the gourmet peanut butter and jelly sandwiches I whipped up. When Hugo had spotted me in the kitchen, he’d looked horrified.
Cauldron seemed amused.
He leaned into me and kissed my shoulder then my collarbone, his warm arm pressing against mine as he maneuvered back on top of me. It was one of those nights where the sex never ended. There were only pauses in between, rest breaks where we lay together in silence. His hips moved between my legs, and he held himself over me, his strong arms powerful enough to hold up his frame. “Beautiful.” His lips kissed the corner of my mouth as he slipped inside me, and it felt so good it was like it hadn’t happened several times already.
I gave a moan of pleasure and sank my nails into his back like teeth into flesh.
The moment was shattered by the alarm.
Cauldron was off me in a flash. One moment, he was naked. And the next, he had his sweatpants on. Then he had a gun, a loaded shotgun that he cocked.
“What’s happening?” I stumbled out of bed and grabbed my clothes.
“There’s a pistol in my nightstand. Stay here.” Unafraid, he marched out of the bedroom and into the hallway.
I stumbled on my way to the nightstand and almost smacked my head against it. With a shaky hand, I reached inside and grabbed it. It was heavy in my palm, slippery against my sweaty fingertips. I assumed it was loaded. I found the safety and clicked it off.
The alarm suddenly turned off.
Maybe it was a false alarm.
With the pistol in my hand, I headed into the hallway and ran to the stairs.
There were a dozen men down there, holding Hugo and the other staff at gunpoint. Hugo’s gun had been confiscated. The security team outside was gone, so something must have happened to them. It was just Cauldron, standing there with his shotgun in his hands.