Page 42 of Lesser Evil (Lesser 1)
“And a whore accepts money. You accept nothing.”
“I accept protection.”
“Even if you didn’t need it, would you leave?”
Unsure if it was a real question or a rhetorical one, I just stared.
“You wouldn’t.”
“I would leave and start my own life…”
He stared at me long and hard. “I don’t think you would.”
We docked the yacht and returned to normal life at my Cap-Ferrat estate. I was holed up in my study, badmouthing Hector every chance I got. Made sure the world knew what happened when you crossed me.
A bullet to the shoulder was just the beginning.
After I hit the gym first thing in the morning, I worked in my study all day, Hugo coming by several times to refill my coffee and bring lunch. My business was in another country, so I spent a lot of my time on video calls to stay abreast of the work being done there. I could move to Botswana instead, but France had always been my home. I was a Frenchman—and I preferred to stay that way.
When the sun had set and the heat had receded, I left the house and played poker with some friends in the back of one of the restaurants they owned, then came home smelling of booze and cigars.
Camille wouldn’t like that.
That didn’t stop me from walking into her bedroom for our nighttime ritual.
She was sprawled on the couch, her feet up on the opposite armrest. She was in little pajama shorts, and her skin had a deep glow from our days out to sea. My eyes followed her sexy long legs to her long-sleeved sweater, which was bunched up at the front, revealing a little bit of her skin and her belly button piercing. Her blond hair was over the armrest, and she held a paperback in her hand, something she must have taken off the bookshelf.
Just looking at her turned me on.
The hair. The pink color of her toenails. The way she looked even more beautiful without makeup. Even her attitude, which was in full flex right now because it was almost ten in the evening and she was winding down.
She shut the book with a distinct thud. “Haven’t seen you in a while.”
I came around the couch, barefoot and shirtless, just in my sweatpants with nothing underneath. I lifted her slender legs and took a seat before I returned them across my lap. My fingers felt the smoothness of her skin, even let a finger graze over one of her bright toenails. “Been busy.”
She sat up and came closer to me, leaning sideways into the back cushions. Soon, her nose scrunched up, and her eyes flashed in disappointment. “Busy drinking and smoking…”
I continued to feel her legs, cracking a slight smile. “You weren’t kidding.”
“It’s so disgusting.”
“You’ll fuck me anyway.”
“Maybe if I face the other way.”
My eyes moved to her face because that suggestion was perfectly acceptable.
She caught my look, and the second we made contact, she stiffened, intimidated or uncomfortable.
Maybe both.
I left the couch and moved to the bed, dropping my bottoms along the way. I lay flat and propped myself up on a pillow, my large dick against my stomach.
She left the couch and stared at me, feigning indifference when she was anything but. The sweater was pulled over her head, catching some of her hair in a sexy way. Then her little bottoms were pushed down her long legs, revealing a black thong.
She teased me and took her time, knowing exactly when to make me ache and for how long. Her thumbs hooked under the fabric, and she pushed them down, bending over as she got them off. When she stood upright, her pussy was perfectly groomed, always ready to take the stage.
I sat up against the headboard, my back cushioned by the pillows she’d left untouched on her side of the bed. Without direction, she straddled my hips, facing the opposite way, her peach of an ass right in my face. She tilted her hips, slipped my thickness inside, and then sank.
My fingertips dug into her hips once I felt myself push inside, giving an uncontrollable moan because she always felt so damn good. Wasn’t sure how I ever forgot.
She arched her back, her feet tucked close into my sides, and she started to rock her hips in the sexiest way, taking me in all the way before releasing me and doing it again. It was her shining moment, showing me how she earned her premium status.
My hands moved to her tiny waist and guided her faster, setting the pace that I liked, my eyes hypnotized by that fine ass. Her bleached asshole looked right at me. With every rock, I felt the pull in my stomach, wanting to blow my load before she even got started.
She was just so damn hot.
My breathing turned uneven almost immediately, breaths shaky and weak. My dick ached for release, my balls tightening against my body because they were ready to explode. My hands had to slow her down because it was all too much.