Page 25 of Lesser Evil (Lesser 1)
When they were gone, Cauldron grabbed the flute on the table and downed it.
“That guy was a fucking asshole.”
He licked his lips before he set the empty glass on the table. “All rich men are assholes—in case you haven’t noticed.”
I noticed more than I ever had before. “I can’t believe he said that in front of his wife.”
“Don’t feel too bad for her. She knew what she signed up for.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“A twentysomething doesn’t marry a fortysomething for love.”
“Maybe she didn’t have a choice,” I snapped. “Did you think of that?”
He turned to me, his eyes annoyed. “Why are we arguing about this?”
“Because you’re being an asshole.”
He gave a quiet chuckle and looked forward again. “If that comment makes me an asshole…”
I stared at the side of his handsome face, his stubble thicker than it’d been the day before. It outlined his hard jaw, cast a shadow on his monstrous presence. “Why did you bring me here?”
He got to his feet as if I hadn’t spoken.
“I asked you a question.”
He stepped away from the sitting area, men moving to the door in anticipation. “And I don’t have to answer. A perk of being an asshole.”
Camille didn’t speak to me after I put her in her place.
She still had that fire that burned a little hotter in offense, and I didn’t care about being the booze poured on top. I didn’t care if she was angry. I didn’t care about her feelings whatsoever.
I think that realization had finally sunk in.
We entered the apartment and were greeted by Pius.
“Good evening, Mr. Beaufort—”
“I don’t need anything. You’re dismissed.”
The butler gave a quick bow and disappeared.
“Don’t talk to him like that.” She rounded on me, her long blond hair in soft curls, her eyes smoky and dark. She was stunning on the outside but a thorn on the inside. “He’s so good to you—”
“Don’t tell me how to speak to my servants.”
“Staff. They aren’t your servants. They’re people. News flash, asshole.”
I didn’t understand Grave’s fascination with a woman who could never shut her mouth. “You’re quick to forget your place. You’re a servant just as much as they are. Remember that.”
Her eyebrows scrunched high up her face, and a volcano exploded in her eyes. “I could walk right out of here—”
“Then do it.”
Furious, she stared at me, her breaths deep and labored.
I walked up to her, not sure if I wanted to fuck her or strangle her.
Face-to-face, she shifted her eyes back and forth between mine, a small piece of hair close to one of her eyes.
“On your knees.”
Her eyes immediately blazed in defiance.
“Shoving my cock in your mouth is the only way I’m going to shut you up.” I grabbed her by the neck and started to force her down, but she elbowed my arm with unsuspecting strength then slapped me.
Fucking slapped me.
I turned slightly with the hit, felt the instant heat from her palm. It was a shock because no one in their goddamn right mind would fuck with me.
Her breathing deepened, as if she realized her predicament after her temper had been satiated.
I turned my head slowly until our eyes were locked on each other.
My expression must have been terrifying—because she looked a little scared.
Damn right she should be fucking scared.
I grabbed her by the neck so quickly she jumped. I pinned her against the wall, my fingers tight on her throat but merciful enough to allow her some air. Her hands instinctively went to my wrist, but she couldn’t pull it free, and every time she tried, I gripped her harder in retribution.
Now she looked even more scared.
I pressed my face into her cheek, my lips right beside her ear. “Do that again and see what happens.”
She gasped in my hold, drawing in deep breaths just to get enough air to remain conscious.
“See. What. Fucking. Happens.” My face moved back to hers, seeing that fire come back to the surface, hardly noticeable under the thick layer of fear. I tugged on her neck, pulled her toward the floor until she hit her knees. I stared down at her, telling her exactly what to do without saying it.
Her hands released my wrist, and she worked my jeans open.
The victory made my cock that much harder. It wanted to explode from my trousers and choke her.
She pulled everything down to my thighs, letting me come free, rock hard.
“Open your fucking mouth.” My hand hadn’t left her throat, holding her tight like a leash.
She obeyed, the back of her head against the wall.
I grabbed myself by the base and shoved myself deep inside, going so deep that she started to choke. She could hardly breathe as it was, and now she gagged all over my dick. Tears sprang to her eyes, her cheeks turned red. My dick did far more damage than my hand had ever done.