Page 8 of Six Months With My Uncle (Forbidden Fantasies 59)
“Right, okay. I’ll take care of everything else tomorrow morning bright and early,” I rush before running off to my new bedroom. Once the door is shut behind me, I collapse against the cool surface. Jesus. How am I going to make it through the rest of my stay in Missouri when my uncle turns me on with just the simplest imagery? But the fact is that I’d love for Frank to touch me intimately … and the sooner the better, even if it’s wrong.
The next day.
I let out a loud grunt as I yank the last bad crop out of the dirt and throw it into a wheelbarrow with all the rest. Thankfully, there aren’t too many of these suckers out there because that would be bad news requiring some serious investigation and potentially even intervention. Fortunately, most of the corn is coming in well and should be ready to harvest in no time. Still, this field is huge, so I’ve been out here working for the last five hours and it’s fucking exhausting.
My muscles ache and my bones crack as I stand up straight for the first time in an ungodly amount of time. Air comes out in short wheezes as I squeeze my eyes shut in an attempt to fight off lightheadedness. Fuck, is this really happening? I feel like an old man even though I’m only forty-five, which is hardly over the hill. Goddamn, what the hell is going on? I’m usually able to go a lot longer without starting to feel so worn out, but it’s over a hundred degrees today and the sun has been blazing like all tarnation since about 9 a.m. this morning.
I swear, my skin sizzles when I rip off my shirt. Well, if I turn into a strip of frying bacon, then so be it. Unfortunately, removing the cloth doesn’t help me cool down much, but at least I don’t have the sweat-soaked fabric clinging like a warm wet-nap anymore.
I grab my bottle of water and twist the cap off quickly before taking a long swig of ice-cold water. Thank god for these new-age bottles that keep things chilled no matter what temperature it is outside. Is it the plastic they use? Who the hell knows? All I care is that it’s sweltering right now, and this hits the spot. I polish off my water before chucking the bottle into the wheelbarrow and then settling heavily on the ground beside it.
The faintest bit of shade provides relief and I let out a long sigh. I should be heading back to the house now. I should have been heading back to the house at least an hour ago, actually, because it isn’t great to be in so much direct sunlight for so long. Yet, I can’t go back because temptation lives there now in the form of Hadley.
After all, my step-niece is gorgeous. She has no idea how beautiful she appears with that golden-blonde hair and those big blue eyes. She has no idea how I get rock hard watching her prance around in tiny short shorts and a sleep shirt during the evenings, those big breasts bouncing without the restriction of a bra. I groan, reaching down to adjust my crotch. Fuck. This is so wrong but I’m so attracted to the woman that I hardly know what to do with myself at this point. I mean, should I confront her? Give into my baser instincts and corner her in the kitchen before burying my face between her thighs? No, because that would be corrupt.
I groan again. How the fuck did I get into this position? The last time I saw Hadley, she was only a little girl from what I remember. In fact, I can’t remember much at all, just some pigtails and a gap-toothed grin. But now, Father Time has worked his magic and this is no little girl living under my roof. Quite the opposite in fact, and I shake my head, rubbing a hand down my face as I think back to last night. I saw how her cheeks turned such a gorgeous rosy color when I threatened her with a whupping. I saw how her pupils dilated, and how her bosom began to rise and fall with excitement. I saw how her breasts shook, and her hips twitched, imagining my big hand smacking those round buttocks. Her lower lip trembled enticingly, but not out of fear. No, from the way Hadley started squirming around in her seat, she was excited by the idea of being bent over my lap, head down and ass up.
Therein lies the rub because I’d have to be blind not to see that my niece is just as attracted to me as I am to her, and that knowledge is pure fucking filth. Both of us are in the wrong here, but two wrongs don’t make a right. Unfortunately, our attraction is taboo, and I simply can’t act on it. I’m the adult in this situation, and it’s my responsibility to keep us on the straight and narrow.