Page 2 of His Rebel
I just so happened to fall into this current job as the third stewardess on an exclusive yacht. I lied on my CV to get the job, but I was told I could make good money. And now here I am, dressed up to go out to a club with the other members of the staff. I’ve declined to go out all season, but tonight is our last night and I want to celebrate. I’ve secured another position on a private yacht in the Caribbean until the next season starts. I love that I get to travel with this job. Finally seeing the world I was denied for so long.
All the years of being a maid to a daft cow taught me to serve. I can barely read, but I know how to properly set a table and serve tea. I know how to make a bed finer than those here on this yacht.
Again, I look at the girl in the mirror. No longer do I have pale blond hair. Instead, lilac locks to my mid back shine back at me. Kara, one of the stewardesses, helped me flat iron my normal waves until they were stick straight and smooth. I wore my hair up most of the season because of the color. They almost didn’t hire me because of it, but they couldn’t turn down my training. The training is all real, but not from the places they think.
Tonight I’m wearing a light blue wrap dress Kara let me borrow. It has a flower print and ties at my left hip. The bell style sleeves cup just over my elbow. The front of the dress enhances my cleavage, putting my B cups on display. My cream-colored espadrille heels tie around my ankles and complete the look. They were a major purchase for me after our previous trip. All the money I make goes into a savings account so I can get a real education. So one day I can learn to read the books I fake reading.
All my life I’ve felt like I am two people—the one I show the world and the one I dream about. In my dreams I live in a villa not far from here.
The family I had worked for told me I was purchased from a church in Rome. They were told I was from near Venice and my name was McKenna. I don’t know if that was my name from birth or something else, but I am McKenna now and will be for the rest of my life. That’s why when I learned our yacht was docking here in Venice, I told the captain I was going to get off here, ending my employment tomorrow before they set off back to Ravenna where the super yacht is based.
“Come on, Keni, let’s get our drink on.” Kara laughs as she steps out of the head, thus ending my trance of staring at myself. “You look amazing. I can’t believe that body was hidden underneath your uniform all season.” I never wore a swimsuit like the other members of the staff would on our days off. I would wear denim cutoff shorts and a tank top. I could barely afford those, and I hate to spend money on myself. At least, until I get my schooling done.
I hated growing up not going to school or learning like the girl I cared for. The family wouldn’t allow me out of the house because they were afraid someone would find out about me. When I quit and left, they moved back to America somewhere I wouldn’t know. I can never go back to them, not that I would ever want to.
“Okay, let’s go.” I laugh at her as I follow her out the door and into the passageway between all the cabins in the crew quarters. She’s about four inches taller than my five-foot-five height. She’s also curvy with larger breasts than me. I can’t stop comparing myself to others. I’ve never been confident in my looks. All of that is a product of my upbringing and of my charge telling me how ugly I was. Kara has bright red hair I’m pretty sure is dyed, but it works with her ivory complexion.
“Hey, McKenna, you look beautiful. Are you finally going out with us?” a deep voice with an American accent says, and I turn to look at Cody. He’s the bosun on the ship and has been asking me out since the very first day I started. I usually ignore him and just keep working, but because I’m going out with the group tonight, I don’t want it to be awkward.
“Yeah, Kara finally broke me down.” My chuckle sounds forced, but I turn back and keep moving.
The crew, all seven of us, make our way off the boat to the dock, where we walk down the boardwalk to the city. The night lights of Venice shine all around us. I’m excited to start exploring the area tomorrow and can’t wait.
We end up having dinner at a small street restaurant, and I try not to cringe when we get the bill. I dig into my savings meant for other things. I can’t let these people see the chink in my armor that is money. At the club, I drink water out of a bottle and dance a bit with Kara, but I don’t flirt with any of the guys. I feel like eyes are watching me, and I’m completely uncomfortable in this environment. I’ve never clubbed before. This is a first for me.
The lights are flashing around the dark environment, and again I feel exposed, eyes watching me. Kara is dancing with me on the small dance floor. Bodies gyrate and grind around me. Hands touch me and I hold the cringe in, the need to move and get away from them. I force away the memories they bring and grab Kara’s hand.
“I’m going to get something to drink.” I tip my head toward the bar. She nods at me as she dances with a random guy she picked up.
A hand wraps around my hip before I make it to the bar. I pull back and stare into Cody’s mud brown eyes. He hands me a glass.
“Thank you.” I take it but don’t sip. I don’t trust people giving me drinks I didn’t see opened. Another product of my past I choose to hide and forget. A moment in time I trusted the wrong person and bore the ramifications. Most girls would find Cody handsome with his long brown hair that hangs in his face. He likes to go without a T-shirt every chance he can to show off his cut abs, but he’s not very big. He’s smaller than other men I’ve seen. There’s something, however, that keeps telling me not to trust him. I’ve learned to listen to that voice.
“Got you a drink. Come sit with me.” His hand lands on my back as he guides me toward the seating area our group claimed. I know Kara has been interested in him and they’ve hooked up, but I have no interest. I doubt I’ll ever want to be with anyone after everything from my past.
I withhold the urge to move away from Cody as again I feel eyes boring into me. This time I turn to look and can’t find anyone who sticks out. There are so many people here and they are watching everyone around them. I look toward the bar, and that’s when I see him. The large man with a scruffy beard in a black suit is watching me. From across the electrified club, I can feel his eyes on me as if they are a caress across my skin. Everywhere he looks at me goose flesh pops up. A shiver overcomes me, and I take a deep breath as I take him in more. He’s so big that I know he’ll dwarf Cody. He’s not only tall but wide. The suit must be custom made. His stare is piercing, demanding I look at him.
“Hey, did you hear me?” Cody’s voice breaks through the staring contest. I turn to look at him.
“I’m sorry. What?” I can still feel the eyes of the stranger on me.
“I asked what your plans were after your vacation. I won’t be on boats anymore. I’m tired of being a rich man’s slave. I have something else lined up and can’t wait to get it started.” Cody sprawls onto the sofa, his arms landing on the back of it. I move to the adjacent chair and sit, setting the glass he gave me down. I look out and watch as Kara whispers something to the guy she’s dancing with. She points in our direction and then moves toward us. I look over her shoulder to see the man still watching me.
“Well, what are your plans?” Cody’s question causes me to return my attention to him.
“Kara and I are going on another charter together.”
“Aren’t you going to drink?” He nods his head to the glass. “It’s only sparkling water on the rocks, no alcohol.”
“Um…” I look at the glass and feel those eyes again. I look over to where the stranger is standing. I can’t focus on him because I’m not willing to admit he’s a man I’d give myself to. He calls to a part of me I’ve never felt before. My body is hot. My breasts tingle behind the dress as my nipples press into the fabric. My thong is damp from desire I’ve never before felt. All of these reactions are new to me.
“Thanks for the drink.” Kara grabs the glass Cody is holding out to me. I was too busy watching tall, dark, and deadly that I didn’t notice him pick it up. I watch as she shoots it back. “Wow, pure vodka. Yummy.” My eyes flash to Cody, who just lied to me. He smirks, tipping his head to the side, as if he’s acting cute and it’s no big deal he lied and was trying to get me drunk. The waitress walks by, and I ask for a bottle of water. My eyes move back across the room and I find the stranger is no longer standing there.
“Drink for the lady.” Another waitress walks up with a glass bottle of expensive water. I look at it and then up at her, confused. I’ve noticed they don’t serve their bottled water in glass bottles but plastic ones.
“I didn’t order that.” I can’t spend any more money as I have to worry about lodging and food for the next week while I explore Venice.
“The gentleman did.” She nods over her shoulder, and I see the stranger has moved closer to where we are seated. He’s seated in a group of sofas off to the side from ours, about ten feet away. The waitress hands me the bottle, and I notice the seal hasn’t been cracked. I twist off the top and take a deep pull as I watch him. From this short distance, I see his eyes flare wide. I pull the bottle away from my lips and can’t help myself when I lick the moisture from them then bite my bottom lip. He stands from his seat; his eyes bore into me. I want to see what he’s going to do. I smile at him and nod my thanks as I recap the bottle, protecting it from anyone trying to slip something into it.