Page 5 of Coal for Kiera
She pauses and looks at me. “Yes, sir.”
“Do I scare you?”
Her pulse picks up in her delicate throat, and she swallows. I can almost hear the thoughts going through her head as she contemplates my question.
“No, sir. I’m just doing my job. Can I get you anything else?”
“What gift did my father give you?” I want her to stay and visit with me. I don’t want her to rush off. I’ve never felt like this with a woman. My relationships with women are limited to one-night stands, just someone to help me relieve myself. Anything more than that would mean opening my heart to losing them too.
“He gave me a bicycle. He tried to give me a car a few months ago, but I refused to take it. He didn’t like that I walk or run everywhere. He was afraid I’d be hit by a car in the dark on our country roads.” She stops when she realizes how much she shared with me.
She doesn’t have a car. She walks, or now bikes, everywhere.
“Doesn’t your family come to get you? Why would he help you?” My little pixie drops her eyes, and I know she’s about to lie to me when her body tenses.
“They are too busy. Your father was just nice to me. He never told me why, other than he knew my mother. It started when I was fourteen and I got a job at the cabins. I went to clean a cabin he was staying in and he started talking to me.”
“Who is your mom?” I wonder if she was one of Earl’s many conquests and Kiera is a sibling of mine.
“She died a long time ago. I need to get back to work,” she says, her voice barely a whisper as she steps away.
“Wait, can you get me another drink?” She nods, and I watch her head toward the bar. She places the order then goes to help the busboy clear other tables. After about ten minutes of me eating and looking out over the rolling hills of the golf course, I think about the house Earl built for me. I’m confused as to why he would do that. And why he would help Kiera. What was he doing? It’s as if he was trying to change who he was in the past by doing good things before his death, making amends.
“Is there anything else I can get for you?” I look up into the window and see her reflection as she takes me in. When I turn to look at her directly, she tips her head down again. She avoids looking at me.
“I’d like another drink.” My buzz is in full force because I started drinking on an empty stomach, but I don’t have to drive. Drowning in a little alcohol could numb this pain in my chest. Another two or three can’t hurt. “Also, what’s good on the dessert menu?” I push back my plate with only half my potato left and my meat all gone.
“The chef makes a delicious fried ice cream, and we have New York style cheesecake, and a variety of pies made from locally grown fruit,” she says as she pulls out her notepad and pen. “What would you like?”
“Which do you like?” She shifts her feet and her eyes flash up to mine. It’s like no one has ever asked her that question before. She is finally giving me attention though, so I don’t question it. “Well, what would you eat? On your birthday, what do you get?” I ask when she doesn’t respond. Her little tongue slips out and licks her top lip as if she is imagining something good. My cock jumps in my jeans, and I can just picture her licking my dick with that tongue. I try not to adjust myself right there in front of her, and I groan when her eyes glass over. I know it’s not from desire, but God, I want her to have that look for me.
“I’d have the crème brûlée with strawberries on top.” She sighs.
“I’ll have two of those.”
“Yes. I don’t want to share mine with you.” I smile at her. Her lips kick up on one side.
“I can’t eat while I work.”
“When’s your break?”
Her eyes drop again. “I’ll get you your dessert and place the order for your drink.”
I grab for my water and shake the glass so she can see it’s empty. She nods as she turns and walks away from me again. I’m going to get that little pixie to have a bite of that dessert if it’s the last thing I do.
I’m imagining her opening her pillowing lips, and her pink tongue sliding along the spoon as I slip it into her mouth. I adjust myself when I hear a gasp. I look up to see the server from the bar with my drink.
“Thank you,” I growl, and take the glass from her hand and down it. “Get me another.”
“Sure, handsome.” She bats her lashes at me. From this distance I can tell they’re fake. She returns to the bar, and I look around for Kiera but don’t see her anywhere. Where is my dessert? After a moment, the server returns with a tray. She gives me a sly smile as she hands me my next drink, then she sets both of my crème brûlées down.
“Where is Kiera?” I ask with a bite to my words.
“I’m going to take care of you for the rest of your visit.” She holds the tray against the side of her body and wiggles her hips.
“No. I want Kiera to finish helping me.” I stand so fast that my chair falls back, and I grip the table when I start to sway. Okay, maybe I shouldn’t have ordered more drinks. I swing my head around, looking for my pixie. “Kiera,” I yell across the room, hoping she’ll come out of hiding. I don’t know what I said to scare her off, and she didn’t tell me she was going on break or leaving.