Page 14 of Coal for Kiera
“Happy fucking birthday to me. Merry fucking Christmas,” I say to the quiet of the room. I’ve been on lockdown in a barrack room since they brought me back to base yesterday. I haven’t seen Kiera in two days, but I’ve dreamt of her every night. I’ve had nightmares as I watched that knife plunging toward her chest.
I don’t know if she’s pregnant with my child or not, but I told the SFs she was to keep them from hurting her. I can still hear her voice as she screamed for me. She said I was the only person to love her. I think of the weekend I spent making love to her. Every time we did, I was telling her without words how I felt about her. It’s a torture I’ll hold onto until they figure out what my punishment is.
A knock sounds on my door.
The door opens and Lee steps inside.
“I hope you know I’m charging you not only for travel expenses but double time for working on the holiday.”
“Whatever. None of it matters.”
“The sheriff dropped the charges after Kiera told them the whole story. They found the knife on Leon at the hospital. So stop the pity party and take whatever punishment the military has in store for you. You’re a free man, according to the civilian government.”
“Thank God.”
“But you’re still charged with conduct unbecoming for continuing to hit Leon after you disarmed him.”
“He was going to kill her.” I rip my hands through my hair. “How is she?”
“I don’t know.” His words cut through me.
“What do you mean?”
“She’s been missing ever since she broke out of the hospital again yesterday.”
“You need to find her, Lee.”
“I’ll try, but I’m trying to help you here.”
“I don’t care, they can take away everything from me, but I can’t lose her. Is she in Chicago? Go there.” That’s where she was planning to move.
“She blamed herself for you being taken into custody. She cleared out her bank account to pay the bond before I could intervene, and the bail bondsman won’t refund the money even though charges have been dropped.” Something passes across his eyes before he looks down. And again, his words are like a knife to my soul.
“Find her. Give her everything. She’ll have a place to stay at least, until I can get back to her if she ever forgives me. Find her and take care of her. I’ll take whatever punishment they determine for me here.” I look up at him and see the sorrow in his eyes.
“Coal, the will is still in probate. I can’t give her the house. The only thing in your name is the gallery.”
“How is that in my name and not the house?”
“Your father put it in your name right after you left.”
“Give it to her.”
“But it’s all you have from your mother.”
“I don’t care. She needs to be safe. She gave everything for me, I’ll do the same for her.”
“Coal, they arrested Leon. She’ll be safe.” He tries to assure me.
I shake my head. “She’ll never be safe in that town as long as they believe what Leon said. What really happened to her mother?”
“I’ll find out.” He assures me and leaves me alone.