Page 96 of The Trouble With Fate (The Forbidden Love 5)
“See you soon, son.”
Dad drives off, leaving me standing here alone. I exhale a loud breath and then take the stairs to the apartment. The key takes a few jiggles to unlock the door, but once I’m inside the apartment, I smell her scent everywhere. It’s like the morphine to my pain, calming my nerves to allow me to sit down and wait.
And wait is what I do.
But not for long.
The doorknob rattles, causing my stomach to flip in nerves.What if she tells me it’s still over and is unable to forgive me for hurting Cruz?My shoulders drag low with shallow yet audible breaths leaving my chest.
Fuck—this is it.
The door opens wide, followed by Addison removing her keys then glancing up. She jumps on the spot, clutching her chest in shock.
“Oh my god,” she chokes, becoming speechless. “What are you doing here?”
I stand up, finally straightening my shoulders while she closes the door behind her. My eyes are drawn to the curves of her body in the dress she wears, down to the heels on her feet.
Slowly, she turns around, looking more beautiful than ever.
“I’m here to apologize to you for the hurt I caused. I never intended to put you in the middle of you and your best friend. I was angry Cruz did that to you, and it was the only way at the time I knew how to react.”
Addison places her purse down, placing her hands on her hips with a pinched mouth.
“Don’t you think you should be apologizing to your brother?”
“I have.”
“Wait, he didn’t say anything,” she responds in confusion.
“Perhaps he felt the matter needed to stay between us brothers.”
Addison’s mouth falls open. I knew the comment would goad a reaction from her. I’m just waiting for her explosion to come any time now.
“Oh, so never mind, I’ve been his best friend his entire life,” she bites with frustration. Now, it’s all about bro code?”
“You look hot when you’re angry,” I tease.
She shakes her head then rips her gaze away to the floor. “That’s neither here nor there.”
I take steps to bring me closer to her. Then, I reach out and lift her chin so our eyes meet.
“I love you, Addison. I’m terrified of how deeply in love I am with you. But I know my life is nothing unless you’re in it.”
A gentle sigh parts from Addison’s lips. “Masen, I said things out of anger. The emotions were raw. I was in over my head trying to balance a relationship I thought was forbidden, but only in my eyes. I never gave us a chance, scared of what others may think. But in the end, what matters is us. I love you too, and I’m terrified just as much.”
My hands cup her face, bringing her in for a soft kiss. The taste of her warm lips spreads to every inch of my body, allowing me the peace my soul deserves. Addison loves me, and in the end—that’s all I’ll ever need.
“I’m sorry,” she whispers with a single tear falling down her cheek.
I wipe it away with my thumb then beg her to look at me.
“We’re done with the sneaking around. I’m ready for us to begin our lives with one another. This is it, Addison. I love you, and if we do this, it’s for life.”
She places her hands flat on my chest with a grin. “You might want to talk to the old fella. Run that by him before you steal his favorite daughter.”
“I’ll tell Ava you said that,” I tease.