Page 6 of The Trouble With Fate (The Forbidden Love 5)
There’s never a right time to bring up the topic of moving in with a guy, even if the guy is your best friend. Though, I find the courage to do so now for fear of it leaking out another way and my parents finding out from someone else.
“I know Mom isn’t here, and we usually discuss these things together, but I wanted to let you know I’m moving out of my apartment.
“Oh?” Dad tilts his head to the side. “What’s wrong with your apartment now?”
“They tore down the building next door, so all I can hear is construction. It’s frustrating when I’m trying to study.”
“Well, you know you’re always welcome back home,” Dad kindly offers. “And I never liked the idea of you renting. I’d prefer it if you allowed us to buy you a place.”
I place my hand on his. “I know, Dad, but I got this. I need to learn how to balance work and studying. It’s what builds life skills. It’s important for me to be responsible for my life, and that includes paying rent.”
“Why don’t you tell Dad about your other plan?” Alexa goads with a smile.
My eyes dart to hers with annoyance. This time, Dad crosses his arms while waiting for me to elaborate on Alexa’s comment.
“So, I’m planning on getting a roommate.”
“A roommate?” he repeats cautiously. “Do I know this person?”
My hands wrap around the mug as I bring it up to my lips and blow the steam before taking a sip. “You do. It’s Cruz.”
“I see,” he answers in a flat voice.
I watch him with curiosity. “I see as in you have a problem with me living with a male or I see because it’s Cruz?”
Alexa gazes at both of us a little too eagerly, which Dad notices.
“Alexa, would you mind if your sister and I have a word in private?”
“Oh, c’mon, Dad. There are no secrets in our family,” she points out. “Aside from when Millie was screwing Will or Ava getting knocked up by Austin.”
“Alexa,” Dad warns as the muscles in his neck stiffen. “I’m asking to have a conversation in private.”
Annoyed, she crosses her arms then leaves the room, mumbling something I can’t make out. Dad notices her shorts then lowers his head in disappointment. He goes to open his mouth but quickly closes it, focusing his attention back onto me.
My relationship with Dad has always been easy. My sisters and I had watched Millie and Dad butt heads often. So, when her relationship with Will came out, we all thought she had hooked up with him to get back at Dad or something. It turns out she was in love. I mean, who would’ve thought? Not me, yet it all made sense when I actually saw them together as a couple.
As for Ava, she’s Dad’s favorite though he’s never said it out loud. The bottom line is she got away with everything. When she got into trouble in high school, she’d somehow sweet-talk Dad, and he barely punished her. That, and she knew how to get us girls to cover for her to lessen the punishment.
Being the youngest of all, Alexa seems to be under the radar. I know she is Ava 2.0 but is careful with keeping her social life as private as possible. She knows how to produce good grades given it’s her senior year and somehow still manages to maintain her friends plus God knows what else she does.
Though with me, I’ve never been one to sneak out and party while living here. I studied, enjoyed reading, and loved learning from Dad. The man is brilliant, and even as his daughter, his life still fascinates me.
Yet as he sits across from me with a stern gaze, I suspect his wanting to talk in private will not work well in my favor.
“Addison, you know I have no ill feelings toward Cruz. He’s a good kid…” he begins with, choosing his words carefully, then continues, “I just think his lifestyle isn’t suitable for the path you’re choosing to embark on.”
His concern comes as no surprise, especially since Cruz is a known party boy. Being around jocks has him set in his ways. However, I consider myself my own woman. Just because he chooses to party hard doesn’t mean I have to. Aside from tonight, I didn’t always say yes to going out with him. In fact, my reluctance often caused fights between us. Over time, Cruz got over himself when he realized I had no problem standing my ground.
“I get it, Dad. I really do. But trust me when I say our agreement to become roommates wasn’t without setting rules and boundaries. Cruz can party as hard as he likes outside, just not bring it back to the apartment. As for women, well, I’ve made it clear he is responsible for strangers and their actions should he choose to bring them back.”
Dad nods quietly, his gaze unwavering. “And what about you? How would he feel should you have a gentleman caller?”
I burst out laughing. “Gentleman caller? We both know I’m not like that.”
“You’re most certainly not,” Dad concurs with a proud smile. “I don’t pick favorites with my daughters, but you definitely have not aged me.”
The door opens as I place my hand on Dad’s reassuringly. Mom enters the kitchen dressed in her work attire. The woman looks gorgeous in anything, but today, red looks fantastic on her.