Page 21 of The Trouble With Fate (The Forbidden Love 5)
“Okay, so back to Haden’s dick…”
I shake my head, though she can’t see. But then I remember how much time Masen and Ava spent together as teens. Ava was never shy in admitting she enjoyed fooling around with guys, and, of course, playboy Cooper spent senior year screwing every girl he could.
“So, you’ve never fooled around with Masen? Not even when you guys were teens and used to sneak out to parties?”
A snort barrels through the phone. “Have you ever fooled around with Cruz? You do live together now.”
“The answer is no, and just because we live together doesn’t change our feelings. We’ll always be the best of friends, and nothing will come between us.”
“Right, so to answer your question… no, I haven’t ever fooled around with Masen. He’s like a brother to me.”
It’s my cue to abandon this conversation without raising any further suspicion. I’ve said too much, but my curiosity got the better of me. Ava is like an undercover FBI agent, always uncovering the truth when you least expect it.
My phone doesn’t stop as the group chat starts up as soon as I hang up.
Ava:Luna, I think I found the perfect guy for you at Austin’s hospital. He’s an intern and totally your type.
Jessa:So old?
Millie:Over fifty?
Luna:When did I ever say I liked men over fifty??? Forty is my limit.
I can’t help myself typing quickly.
Me:Studies show men over fifty are more generous in the bedroom.
Luna:Like your dad?
Luna:I’m just pointing out he’s over fifty.
Millie:And so is your dad… dear cousin.
Jessa:Mine’s forty-nine, so totally safe here.
Me:I’m abandoning this conversation. And Ava, don’t waste your time. You’ve got better luck setting Luna up with patients from the geriatric ward.
I turn all my notifications off with the hope of having uninterrupted sleep. In the corner of my screen, my Kindle app catches my attention. My fingers tap on the screen, then I open the book Presley insists I read. As my eyes scan page one, I force myself to pay attention even though romance is my leastfavorite genre to read.
An hour later, the storyline gets steamy during the main lead’s encounter with her ex. The author doesn’t hold back with descriptions. She goes into great detail about how the female lead pleasures herself because her ex reminds her of how great they were together. Amidst the dirty talk and his demanding ways, I begin to grow hot beneath the sheets.
This guy is crazy jealous, and why is this so damn hot?
A pool of wetness forms between my legs. I try to ignore my own body and its unwarranted reactions, focusing on the scene where he gets on his knees and eats her out inside an elevator.
Holy shit.
It’s past midnight when I check the Kindle to see how much is left until I finish. Forty percent to go, great. Tomorrow, or should I say today, is my first day in the office. I need to be fresh and alert with the hope of making a good first impression.
Reluctantly, I place my phone down and stare at the roof in the darkness. As I beg of myself to close my eyes to fall asleep, the memories of Masen’s stare continue to haunt me. The way his lips pressed together, and I wonder for a brief moment if he thought about me in any way besides Ava’s sister.
My imagination takes the reins, and my body follows at its prompts. Slowly, my hand sits on my thigh, but resistance is futile. I move between my legs, grazing against my clit to expel a gasp.Shit.I’m brought back to reality when remembering I now have a roommate and need to keep quiet.
Yet the need to touch myself so quietly only heightens my senses. My strokes become faster, and the faster my movements, the wetter I become. The sensation spreads across my skin until my back arches, and I ride waves of the blissful orgasm.
My breathing is ragged with my eyes still shut. It takes moments to calm down, but not long after, the exhaustion weighs me down, and I find my eyes drifting to sleep.