Page 81 of The Trouble With Her (The Forbidden Love 4)
“Free from what? Eric?” Ava almost yells. “You’re banned from birthday parties.”
“Please, you said that last time when I said your mom enjoys her pearl necklaces.”
This time, I laugh. “God, I miss this.”
* * *
I’m trying to give everyone my attention as I walk around the yard. As people speak to me, my mind drifts off, wondering what it would be like to raise Bentley here, surrounded by family. My memories of California are fond, aside from my argument with Andy, when I returned from London engaged to Benedict.
The kids are all happily playing, running around as Bentley crawls after them. I ate American food, something I’ve missed so much. All of it is delicious until I grab a few pigs in a blanket, and Eric begins a story about a guy he once dated, Ariel, who had the most petite dick he’s ever seen. The more he went into detail, the weaker my appetite became. When he brought out the words ‘duck butter,’ I put my plate down.
“What the hell is duck butter?”
“It’s a combination of sweat from the ball sac and anus which creates a buttery—”
I raise my hand. “No more, I don’t want to know anymore.”
Rocky intervenes. “Oh yeah, a few buddies of mine in college had killer DB. You know, from playing gridiron and stuff.”
“Killer DB?”I repeat, eyes wide.
“Yeah, that shit is nasty.”
I have no more words left to say, walking away with a headshake, trying to erase the whole ‘killer DB’ conversation. My focus moves toward the table of gifts, all for my baby boy. Even though it’s still two weeks until Bentley turns one, the emotions are overwhelming. My fingers trace the silver ribbon on top of one of the gifts, releasing a sigh of contentment.
“I hear California is a beautiful place to visit,” I hear a voice say behind me.
I turn around swiftly, to be met with blue eyes I’ve missed all day. Andy is standing in front of me, looking incredibly sexy in a white polo shirt and navy shorts. He wears his signature pristine white Nike sneakers because he loves his shoes more than anything.
“Andy, you’re here? But how?”
“You know those things that fly in the sky? They’re called planes.”
A smirk spreads across my face. “Oh, I’m quite familiar with the word plane.”
He nods, glancing over at Millie and Ava, who watch us. When I turn to see them, they quickly bow their heads, pretending they have nothing to do with this.
“No chance I was going to miss the little fella’s birthday.”
“I…I…” I stammer, speechless as to how thoughtful his intentions are. “I want to hug you, but people are looking.”
“So? You’re my bestie,” he says, mimicking a woman’s voice.
I break out into laughter, only to feel my shoulders relax. “Come here, then.”
As he wraps his arms around me, everything feels just right. The smell of his aftershave causes my body to shiver in delight, despite the warm sun gracing my skin. I wonder if he feels the same, but judging by his tight grip, I’ll say he does.
Together, everyone we love surrounds us, celebrating my baby turning one. The emotions, again, overwhelm me, forcing me to pull away, but Andy’s expression softens.
“Argh, why is this hard? It’s like him turning one means he’s going off to college.”
“Remember when I left for college? Mom bawled like a baby.”
“I bawled like a baby. You and Millie gone at the same time was too much.”
Andy gazes around the yard. “Full circle, it always comes back to this.”
More than anything, I want to spend time with him but remember this day isn’t about me. It doesn’t take long before the family smothers Andy and for Eric to comment on Andy’s muscular physique. Rocky throws in a joke about European women and full bushes, only for Will to warn his dad to shut the fuck up and not mention Nikki.