Page 41 of The Trouble With Her (The Forbidden Love 4)
“Shaming our family?” I repeat with malice. “I have done nothing but bend over backward foryourfamily. What Rosemarie wants, Rosemarie gets. We haven’t even gone back to the States since Bentley was born to visit my family.”
“Will you lower your voice,” he commands.
The nerve of him to even think I’m selfish when all I have ever done is sacrifice myself for him and his family.
Every single part of who I am is no longerme.
I’m about to open my mouth to argue his condescending tone when my phone vibrates in my purse. Quickly retrieving it from my clutch, I see Eliza’s name on the screen.
“Eliza?” I answer in a hurry. “What’s wrong?”
“Mrs. Banks, Bentley is quite ill. His temperature is high, and he won’t settle.”
My gaze flits around the room as my neck stiffens. “I’m coming home.”
I hang up the call with a dry mouth, clutching my stomach with worry.
“You’re going home?” Benedict asks angrily.
“Bentley is running a fever. I need to be with him.”
“Jessa,” Benedict says sternly. “He has Eliza. You can’t leave me here. How would that look?”
Deliberately raising my brows, I tilt my head in absolute disgust.
“You worry about everyone here, and I’ll worry about our son.”
I don’t allow him to get another word in, disappointed once again at his inability to put our son first. My feet move fast, knowing it’s an hour’s drive home.
The moment I step outside, the cool night’s air graces my face. I scan the area for our driver, but all the cars look the same and black in the dark.
“Jessa,” my name is called.
Taking a deep breath, I choose not to turn around until Andy is by my side.
“Are you just leaving without even saying goodbye?”
“No, I’m leaving because my son is sick and needs me.” I let out a long-winded sigh. “Our nanny just called. Bentley is running a high fever. And, of course, Benedict thinks it’s more important to be here than with his son.”
The moment I say it, I regret being honest. Despite Andy being my best friend for my entire life, I don’t want him to see how unhappy I am in my marriage.
And there’s the truth.
As bold as it gets.
“Where the hell is our driver?” I mutter beneath my breath.
“I’m taking you home.”
“You can’t take me home.”
“Because you have a date inside, and I’m perfectly capable of dealing with this once my driver is here.”
Andy grabs my hand without my permission, then fumbles for keys in his pocket until he extends the remote out and a black Range Rover’s taillights flicker orange.
“Get in. I’m taking you home.”