Page 43 of Daddy's Little Nurse (Daddy 23)
Zachary squeezed the back of his neck. They were right. He was about ready to fall on his face.
“Let’s go.”
They drove him to their building and took him up to one of the empty condos.
“We’ve got some clothes here for you. We’re all about the same size. We can get more tomorrow.” Kane got off the elevator. “How does BBQ sound?”
“I’ll eat anything, guys.”
“Go shower. It should be here by the time you’re done,” Travis said.
Zachary stopped and turned to them. “Don’t you guys have littles you need to take care of?”
“Not tonight. They’re spending the night with Trey and Jenna.”
“You guys have no idea how much I appreciate your friendship. I’m going to owe you for the rest of my life.”
“No, you’re not,” Kane said. “This is what friends are for. There will be times we need you.”
“I’ll always be there for you.”
“We know that. Go shower.” Travis waved him away.
He smiled for the first time in days.
That night, he lay in bed thinking over everything that had happened and how he would find Anna. He also went over the different scenarios of what she would say. He just prayed she’d listen to him because he didn’t know what he would do if she didn’t give him a chance.
Later the next day, he sat in a daze in his car in the underground parking of his building. His worst fear had happened. He’d lost her. He’d just come from seeing Anna, and he was at a loss on what to do.
It took a herculean effort to get himself up to the condo he was staying at. He scrounged around in the cupboards and came up with a bottle of scotch. Then he sat on the sofa and proceeded to drink the whole bottle and pass out.
He heard Travis talking to him. His eyelids were weighed down, and it was nearly impossible to lift them. When he did, he noticed it was late morning the next day.
“I’ve been calling you.” Travis lifted the bottle. “Fuck. How much of this bottle did you drink?”
“Um… The whole thing.” Fuck, his mouth tasted as if something died in it, and his head throbbed worse than anything he’d ever felt. He tried not to think about how hollow and cramped his stomach felt because he was afraid he’d puke.
“Jesus. I’m guessing it didn’t go well with Anna?”
Zachary struggled to sit up and then rested his head in his hands. “No. She doesn’t want anything to do with me.”
Travis gripped his shoulder. “Don’t give up, man. She’s just hurting.”
“I know, but you didn’t see her. She’s not going to let me anywhere near her.”
“You can’t go to work today.”
“I’m going to get my ass fired,” Zachary said.
“You’re a partner. You can’t get fired. Everyone knows what’s going on. They understand and are giving you some slack.”
“How long will it be before I can breathe without pain?” Zachary asked.
“I don’t know, I’m sorry,” Travis said. “How about we get you in the shower?”
“I’m okay right now. I’ll shower and eat something in a bit. You need to get to work.”
He knew Travis wanted to stay, but he just needed to be by himself.