Page 24 of Daddy's Little Nurse (Daddy 23)
“Is there a beer?”
“Yes, I see some. Are you going to take the heavy-duty pain meds the doctor gave you?”
“No. I know better than to mix alcohol with drugs, babe.”
She nodded and set an opened bottle in front of him. After grabbing two forks and napkins, she sat down next to him at the small round table in the kitchen. She hadn’t looked around yet, but she saw how much furniture was missing so far.
Besides the table, four chairs, huge TV, sofa, and tables in the living room, and his bedroom furniture, she hadn’t seen any, but then she hadn’t been through all the rooms.
Her first taste of lasagna melted in her mouth, making her moan. God, it was the best pasta she’d ever had.
“This is so good,” she said. She smiled when she saw he’d already eaten more than half of his. “Who do you think made it?”
“The top of the container said Kinley. She’s Eli’s woman.”
“Do you think it would be weird to ask her for the recipe?”
Zachary shook his head. “Not at all. She’d probably love it.”
“Would you like another plate?” she asked when she saw his empty plate.
“Yes, please.”
The man was easily twice her size and had been sick, so he would need an incredible amount of calories to heal.
She cleaned the dishes while he rested and had another beer when they finished. She loved the domesticity of the situation.
He came up behind her, and she was so lost in thought she hadn’t heard him. His arms wrapped around her waist. “We can sit in the living room or bedroom, or I’ve got some furniture outside in the back.”
“That sounds good. It looks nice out,” she said.
“This way.”
She wiped her hands and followed him out the slider door on the other side of the living room. Her gaze scanned the area. It had a large lounger that adjusted to lay flat or sit upright. Another six comfortable-looking cushioned chairs and a few tables were spaced around the deck. A grill was set off to the side, but that was it. There were no flowers and just plain grass.
“Come here and sit with me,” he said.
She walked over to the lounger where he was sitting. He’d set his crutches on the side of the chair on the ground. He pulled her down beside him and wrapped an arm around her.
“How are you doing?” he asked.
“Good. How about you?”
He grinned. “I’m good, too. This house isn’t much, but I’m just renting it until I find one I want to buy. I haven’t had time, and you know why. I didn’t want to live in one of the condos uptown. Are you okay with living here for a while?”
She nodded. She’d live anywhere he was. “Of course.”
“I’m assuming you’re used to bigger and better houses since your mom is a surgeon.”
“My house is nice, but I’d rather be with you than anywhere else.”
He caressed her cheek with his thumb. “You are the sweetest thing.”
She thought he would kiss her again, but he sighed, rested his head back, and closed his eyes. “Are you sure you’re okay?” she asked.
“Yes, baby.”
“You’d tell me if you didn’t feel good, right?”