Page 18 of Daddy's Little Nurse (Daddy 23)
He had no idea how much time passed before the door opened and the nurse walked in. He could tell by how her lips thinned and her eyes narrowed that she didn’t like what she saw, but too fucking bad.
“Is there anything you need, Mr. Stone?”
“No. Thank you.”
“The doctor will be in shortly.”
“Good,” Zachary said.
He noticed Anna stiffened when the other woman walked into the room, so he squeezed her after the nurse left. “You won’t ever have to deal with her again, sweetheart.”
Anna turned her head up to look at him. “I hope not. She’s not a very nice person.”
“I could tell that the first time I saw her.”
Anna’s eyes widened. “Really?”
“Yes. I’m good at reading people.”
Anna sighed and pressed her head against his chest again.
The doctor came in a short while later. Zachary tightened his grip on her when she tried to jump off the bed.
“You’re looking well, Mr. Stone. Thomas says you’re already stronger.”
“I bounce back pretty quickly,” Zachary said and grinned.
“I see that. How about I check you over? If everything looks good, I’ll have them start checking you out of here.”
“Thank you, Doctor. That’s the best news you could have given me.”
“Well, knowing you have little Anna with you makes a difference, too.”
He grinned when Anna blushed, and he could tell she was pleased by the compliment.
“Thank you, Dr. Fredricks.”
“It’s the truth, young lady.”
Zachary released her so she could slide off the bed. She stood off to the side as the doctor went over his wounds, taking off the bandages that covered the deeper wounds he’d gotten. He wanted to see the cut on his face. One look at Anna told him it wasn’t bad.
“Everything looks good. The wounds were closed with glue, so you won’t have to come in to get stitches out, and it will help keep scarring down.”
“That’s good.” Not that he would have come back to get the stitches out. He’d always taken them out himself, but he wouldn’t tell him that.
“Come back in two weeks, and we’ll X-ray your leg. From what I saw on the last one, you were healing very well, so we’ll probably be able to take the cast off. If you have concerns, don’t hesitate to call here.”
Zachary shook the doctor’s hand. “Thank you so much.”
“You’re welcome.” The doctor stopped at the door. “Try to refrain from taking the cast off before we can get another X-ray and try to keep off of it.”
Zachary snorted. “You seem to know me very well.”
“I’ve worked with your type before,” the doctor said and grinned.
Zachary laughed after the door was closed.
He held his hand out for her. “How bad is my face, baby?”