Page 5 of Saving the Bride
“Are you stuffing them in your bag?” I crane my neck over to Emma’s side of the table, and she laughs as she shakes her head.
“No, I was just hungry. Don’t make fun of me.” Her cheeks tinge with embarrassment, and it’s the cutest thing ever.
“I’m not making fun of you, I’m seriously impressed.” I push my plate of waffles closer to her. “You can even have mine too if you want some more.”
“I think five is enough for now.” She chews on her last piece of bacon as she leans back in her seat. “I could go for a nice long nap right about now.”
“Did you not sleep well last night?” I’m suddenly concerned for her sleeping arrangements. “Where are you staying? Are you on campus?”
“I’m a senior but on a full ride so I’m still in the dorms with a lot of people younger than me.” She shrugs like it’s not a big deal. “I don’t have much longer, so it’s fine.”
The way she says she’s fine sounds like she’s anything but. She’s also making the same face she had when she got off the phone earlier.
“What happened with the fire last night?” Emma asks, cutting off my train of thought and clearly trying to deflect from what’s going on with her.
“The club will be closed for a few weeks while they repair the damage, but luckily no one was hurt.” I lean in close and take her hands with mine. “Sorry we had to end our time so quickly.”
She bites her bottom lip, and it’s cute how she’s trying to hide it.
“Now tell me what the phone call was about.” Her eyes snap to mine, and I give her my best cocky grin. “You’re not wiggling out of it so easily.”
“You won’t let it go.” She sighs, and I thread my fingers with hers.
“When it comes to what I want? Not a chance, baby.”
“It was about my student visa, that’s all.”
“You’re graduating,” I confirm, and she nods. “So I’m guessing it expires.”
“Yep.” The one word is filled with resignation and annoyance.
“And you can’t get an extension?”
She shakes her head. “I tried, and it was denied. So now I have to start making plans to go back.”
“Where’s home?”
The laugh she lets out is humorless. “That’s the problem. There’s no home beyond here. Once I leave campus, it’s just the world, and I have no idea what I’m going to do.”
“You don’t have any family?”
“It’s just me and my dancing skills.” She tries to make a joke, but I see the pain she’s trying to mask.
“I don’t have any family either.” Her dark eyes meet mine, and it’s like a shot through my chest. “Felipe is like a brother to me, and his family is great, but at the end of the day, it’s just me.”
“Sometimes it’s nice not having to worry about anyone else.”
“But that means there’s no one to lean on.” The way she’s looking at me is like she’s seeing me for the first time.
“I meant what I said last night, Emma. I’ve never longed for a family or to have something more. I’ve always just made the best of my situation and moved forward. Dwelling on what I don’t have doesn’t change things.” I swallow hard as I lock eyes with her. “But seeing you last night changed a whole hell of a lot. In fact, it changed everything.”
“It doesn’t matter.” She tries to take her hands from mine, but I don’t let them go. “Beckett, it’s not like this can go anywhere. I have to leave the country soon, and I’m not coming back.”